4 August, 2019.

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I woke up late cause Sunday. Didn't go to the gym cause Sunday. I say it like I do something productive with my life or am busy with something. Ha. I wish.

Anyways, I wanted to do some career research but my laptop hit updates and this one took a really really long time to umm... update.

I may have mentioned this before that this month is Shravan month aka no non-veg month. It's not compulsory for us to follow but I've been following it for about three years now and I would like to continue it. To get some self control you know. And I mean, veg food can be delicious too. For example my dad made some paneer today and it tasted really nice. Besides, it's not like we eat meat every single day so it's the Sundays and a few more days where we'll be cutting back on some chicken or sea food.

In the afternoon, I did quite a bit of Alex' GRE words. I really hope this helps him. In the evening, I made instant noodles after a comparatively long time. Even though it wasn't my fav flavour, I liked it.

Dad hadn't used the entire paneer today morning so he decided to cook another paneer dish for dinner as well otherwise it would get spoilt. And he made some really really tasty chilly paneer!! I swear, I'm so lucky to be able to taste my dad's creations.

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