6 August, 2019.

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I woke up to the news of Nova's dog being put to sleep. I have seen him since the first time I visited Nova's house in the 2012. Even though I'm not an animal person, I know how much he meant to Nova. That's quite sad.

In the morning, mom asked me to remake/update her CV. I was so confused. The entire time I was making it, I had to control my urge of asking why she wanted to make it in the first place. Let her keep her privacy dude!

After dinner, I cut some onions and made the chapati dough. Dad jokingly tells me that mom is trying to turn me into a housewife. I don't take it too seriously though. I'm just helping her out and gaining experience myself. It's one of the few things that make me feel independent.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now