2 September, 2019.

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Ganesh Chaturthi'19 Day 1.

I woke up by 9AM and even after getting ready I didn't feel ready for today. We were about to visit so many households and I was bound to be asked about my career plans multiple times.

Dad calmed me as always and then we headed out. Our first destination was our dal pakwaan place. The (hand made) dream catcher decor around the Ganpati idol was really nice. They didn't really ask me anything so that's good. The dal pakwaan was amaze as always.

I had worn heels that I had bought back in 2013/14. I had bought it especially for Stella's wedding and hadn't really worn it much. I wore them cause I didn't want to ruin the ones I got from Amritsar. Besides I needed to wear some footwear that would give some relief to my heel scars/shoe bites. But then as I was walking back to our car, the sole came off. We did buy a fevi stick but I have a feeling I'm going to have to throw the shoes away sooner than expected.

Our next stop was Parker and Pamela's maternal cousins' place. Even they didn't ask much about my plans cause they already had a vague idea. We then went to one of our relatives who also have twins in their family, who obviously look much bigger than the last time I saw them. The main uncle was content only after knowing that I've completed B.Com. Lol, that went smoothly.

Next came our comfort house, Uncle A's house. I had no problem being there cause they knew everything about me and I knew that they won't quiz me at all. We had our lunch (I gave a lot from my plate to others) and easily spent over 3 hours there. We lazed around, spoke, took pictures, etc.

It was at this fifth stop that somebody really enquired about my plans and the unwanted spotlight was on me. This was one of my dad's college mate's place. Their elder daughter had done MBA directly after graduation and advised me to work first. That's the plan buddy but it isn't working out. Another fam (also from my dad's college group) arrived and I had to tell them about my MBA plans as well.

This is where the other shoe sole came off and I had to buy yet another fevi quick. We then went to another one of dad's college mate's. Throughout the entire time we were there, I wasn't asked a thing even when my parents enquired about that family's twins' plans. The other family had also come to this friend's place by then (they're all part of them same college gang) and when we were about to leave, they wished me luck for my entrances and..... yep.

I was scared for this seventh stop the most. We were back to our area now. This family is a part of our bus stop gang and they enrolled their son in my college after enquiring about it from me. If the rumours are true, their batch is kind of fucked up wrt their degree course. Nobody could've foreseen that but what about the placements? What do I tell them? Sorry but your son will be even more confused after he finishes the course and that the college won't help him out much?

Guess what. Guess What! GUESS WHAT!

Didn't. Ask. Me. A. Thing. Wut?! WOW! You have no idea how relieved I was when we left the place. The eighth family forcefully made us eat some tasty dabeli but no questions.

We finally reached the last Ganpati visit for the day. I swear mom quizzes so much about others' kids that it becomes imperative for them to ask stuff about Alex and I. But things went smoothly so that's good. We stayed in here for quite sometime and I heard some interesting discussions about real estate (woes).

My legs were dead by the time I came back home. The shoe material kept brushing against my feet everytime I took a step. Now I have shoe bites both on my heel as well as my foot. Great.

I wanted to look at some colleges that accept NMAT scores but I'm really fucking tired now.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now