11 August, 2019.

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I cut A LOT of onions and tomatoes in the morning.

Today BigHit posted this announcement on their twitter account:

Today BigHit posted this announcement on their twitter account:

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Woah, okay. BTS debuted in 2013 but I started following them only after December 2017 so I'm surprised that this is the first time BTS will be going on a rest. Come to think of it, it is totally believable given the amount of content that I have heard/seen (aka the content they've created since before debut) ever since I became their fan....

There is a probability that BigHit might release something that they filmed prior to today (including some Run BTS! episodes and Bangtan Bombs) so I think we won't be completely devoid of BTS content for a while but yeah, we might not get any "current" content, which I think is perfectly fine.

I may not have been there since the start but I totally agree that BTS deserve some rest. Even an indefinite hiatus like this. You never know what's going on behind the scenes but you gotta respect any decision taken BTS and BigHit.

Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, thank for your relentless hard work. May you make full use of this break and get as much physical and mental rest as possible. And do not forget to have fun! Stay happy and healthy!

Don't know what the future holds from hereon but that's for us to wait and find out, isn't it? I think atleast I might fully support it.

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