18 June, 2019.

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Today was a fun day!

Aunt P went to stay at Uncle D's place in the morning. Hopefully we'll meet soon.

Alex and I have been watching this TV show called Mentalist for the last couple of months now. Initially it was one episode every other day and now we watch about 2-3 episodes at a stretch per day. It's an interesting show so why not. So that's what we did until it was time to leave for Amanda's birthday party.

Oh yeah, it's Amanda's birthday today and she hosted a party with our cousin families and a couple of her college mates.

I had never been to their new house before so I was obviously excited to see it. Neither Amanda nor Aunt S would give me any hints about the interiors no matter how much I tried to get it out of them. Yes, I had seen the pictures from when they held that puja in May but it's always different when you see something in person.

And boy, what an upgrade they've had. I really like the way they've done their house. There's this huge mirror-ed wall in front of you right when you enter and it totally makes the living room look bigger. I really really loved their dining table. I just couldn't stop complimenting it. I also really loved Amanda's mirror. Oh and she's studying interior designing so she took up the responsibility of designing her own room. And she did so well! I'm happy for her!

Speaking of the birthday girl, she was busy with her 2 friends when I reached her house. Apparently they had surprised her last night and hadn't left ever since (both of them are from out of town and are roomates). Even though she did introduce us, it felt a tad bit awkward to be in the same room as them so I went and made conversations with Aunt S and mom instead.

Amanda did actually get us to be in one room but things didn't "start" until my mom's (and Aunt S') cousin brother Uncle A came over. He loves parties in general and booze in particular. He is the life of any parties we have and today he made sure that everyone was drinking something at all times. He made me a glass of vodka and I liked it.

Things were awkward in the beginning but then it got fun. We youngsters went to Amanda's room and had a blast playing Heads Up. It was HILARIOUS!! This was when we really bonded with one another. Of course, the alcohol played it's role too.

After a long time, we came out to the living room to dance. Uncle A would occasionally come to the "dance floor" to feed us some chicken starters lol. He's hilarious. Everything was going perfectly well until there was a small collision and the food dropped. It turned out to be my chef brother's plate and he is very passionate about food. He's a bit hot headed too so he stormed off and things got a little awkward from that point onwards.

Ultimately, everyone had dinner and then people started leaving. I made an impromptu decision to stay back. I had told Amanda that I'd be coming over to her place once my exams got over and since I wasn't able to give her a date, an impromptu plan was inevitable.

We cleared some stuff up and spoke for quite some time. Amanda gave me one of her really old tank tops which surprisingly fit me exactly the way I like my clothes to. I guess I'll be adding this to my clothes-I've-got-from-Amanda-and-family 's collection.

I think the party was a success, at least the middle part.

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