25 August, 2019.

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I woke up by 8:30AM today cause I had a baby shower to attend. I quickly got ready (in my plain deep pink slit kurti and some chunky silver jewelry) and left with mom and dad. Alex had to study for his GRE so he couldn't join us.

We reached the place and met a couple of relatives. But not as many as I usually would've. Unlike the previous couple of times, I wasn't so interested to go up to people and talk to them cause they might ask about my future and I just didn't want that.

Our regular cousin fam gang arrived and we spoke until we were really hungry and went to have lunch. We were the first ones to eat and thank god for that cause everyone came down at once and the place became really crowded later on.

I helped one of my grandmothers and then spoke to my cousins for a long time. Dad went back home because he was sleepy. After spending a good hour and a half, we left for home as well. Aunt S' family was to come to our house so we traveled back home with them.

Aunt S gifted me a pair of hippy pants and a funny looking bag that she had bought during her recent trip to Thailand. I'll use the first one and I really loved it but I have no idea where I'm going to use that bag. It is SO not my style. It'll most probably just become one of those items that I throw away without using even once. Aunt S had some work with dad so they stayed at our place for the rest of the day.

Alex, Amanda and I were tasked with ordering today's dinner and I used my phone to order from our usual Chinese take out place (it's a chain/franchise). Swiggy showed me only one option and I used that. Turns out, I ordered from another outlet of that restaurant and that place wasn't anywhere near our house. It was already 8:30PM by then and according to the app, it was going to take about an hour for the food to arrive. Oops.

I died. I swear I felt so guilty that I couldn't calm down for the rest of the wait. I was constantly looking at the tracking feature of the app, hoping that the order gets ready quickly and the guy delivers our food fast. That didn't happen tho. In fact it took more than an hour for the food to arrive and when it did, I was disappointed with the quantity that came. Not only were the containers smaller than usual, they legit filled only half of it when the food is supposed to be up to the brim.

Nobody complained much but I don't think I'll be ordering from that place for a while now. Atleast not during Shravan. Veg fried is just so unsatisfactory.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now