13 July, 2019.

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I wanted to wake up by 7AM so I could watch/shadow mom and learn what I have to do for the next couple of days.

But sleep won.

I eventually woke up, took a hair bath, helped mom organise her accessories cabinet, helped churn milk cream, arranged plastic food containers, laid the table and filled detergent in the container. Honestly, it felt nice helping mom like this. After doing only a fraction of what she does on an almost daily basis, I already feel like I'm doing a lot. My mom manages to do all this by herself and she probably would love it if someone gave her hand in doing all this.

Alex came back home post college and brought a huge bagful for groceries along with him. We had our lunch and post that, I  I cut some onions and cleared the table. Mom had gone to Aunt S' house by then. Oh and dad had already left before I even woke up.

I watched this week's tvN Mafia vids along with a couple others. Alex and I also watched quite a few Mentalist episodes. I was finally fucking able to convince Alex to order from that Korean serving place I found out about a couple of months ago. I went for a Chicken Bibimbap bowl while Alex opted for a Pork Seoul Bowl.

Unfortunately, it took more than an hour for our food to arrive. The delivery guy apparently got lost multiple times. Dude, you could've just called man, we would've guided you to the correct place. Also, I don't understand why is it so difficult to read maps. I agree that the restaurant was far away from my house which is probably why the delivery guy wasn't familiar with my area but if they had the same map and route that I had, he shouldn't have had any problem with navigation.

Anyways, both the dishes were really nice. And boy were they filling. I had to rest for a while before I started eating again cause I just couldn't. This was my first time actually trying out a Korean dish, even if it may not be authentic. Having seen the preparation through some cooking channels, I knew that the cuisine would be a bit of an "acquired taste" for me cause I've never eaten anything close to it before (yes, I think it's very different from the Chinese food we get here). Even though I liked it, I don't think it would be in the top of my favourite cuisine list. As of now.

Alex wasn't feeling well since he came back home and he's come down with fever now. I don't really have to take care of him or anything but yeah, I definitely hope he gets well soon.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now