7 June, 2019.

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I would be lying if I said that I still wasn't feeling nervous before the paper. I revised for one last time before leaving home. The familiar rickshaw guy (whom I shall call Rickshaw Uncle from now on) dropped me to my centre today. Today, for some reason, I was stuck in a major traffic on the highway. It took me about an hour to reach my centre. See? I told you it's a good idea to leave early.

Our classroom changed yet again. My paper was good. I attempted the entire paper sincerely and now it's up to the examiner to not fuck up during the paper corrections. For the first time in this exams, I was able to complete it 20 mins before time, even though I don't I think I wrote much lesser than any of my previous papers.

As decided, I spotted our car and then the 4 of us were off to Pune. Alex kept asking how I felt now that all my exams were over. And more so because this is the end of my normal 10+2+3 education life. Honestly, I didn't feel any different. It felt like the end of any other paper.

But there's a very high chance it's because I'm not allowing myself to think much about it. Cause the truth is, for the first time since I was born, I legit don't have any definite place to go back to after my "vacations". After my 10th, I knew that I'm going to I have to select from the definite number of junior colleges my city had to offer. After my 12th, sure I was confused which course to pursue and then select a college accordingly but education was 110% in the books.

But now, even though I say that I want to work for a couple of years and then go for an MBA, I'm still SUPER dicey. There are so many fucking questions that are unanswered.

First of all, am I 100% sure I want to work or should I look to continuing my education without that break? If I want to work then where and as what? How do I get a job? Should I opt for an internship and then hope to get absorbed in the organisation? But then again, which company? And for how long do I want to "gain work ex" before getting back to studies? If I don't want to work then which further degree/course do I want to pursue? Do I have to prepare for any tests? Do I want to study in India or go abroad? Which college do I want to aim for?

Etc, etc, etc.

Things are real scary guys.

But this is something that I'm gradually going to solve. Now I have the whole time in the world to solve it (not really but yeah).

For today and couple more days, my number priority is to just HAVE FUN AND ENJOY LIFE!

My college seems to have slightly different plans tho. They declared our results not half an hour after after the exams were over. -_-
I'm not going to see them today tho. I have a feeling that the Stats minor has pulled down my score and I'm just not ready to see it. Things can wait until I come back home.

We got loads of traffic on our way to Pune. It took us about 2 and a half hours just to get out of the city limits. Combining that with wrong routes taken, we finally reached the dinner place by 11:00PM.

We were the last family (out of total 4) to arrive so we didn't have to wait for long before dinner was served. The food was really good and I stuffed my stomach with it. We got done a little after 12AM and then we finally headed to the bungalow.

Now this bungalow is in the outskirts of Pune city and with how deserted the area looked, I can't even imagine what the place was like years ago when Aunt S actually bought their plot. India is hella populated but it also has places like these that are almost uninhabited. The complex (if I can even call it that cause is legit just a large area of uncultivated land) where the bungalow is located only has a handful of other bungalows built. Seems like the others are waiting for a chance to make some real estate profit or have straight up forgotten about it.

Currently, it's 1AM and we have just reached the place. But we are faced with a problem. Since it rained today, somehow the electricity is completely out. Everyone's kinda bummed now. It's going to be very difficult to spend the night here, especially since we haven't even settled in.

I hear someone suggest that we could go to my family's second house which is about an hour long distance from here. I don't know if all the drivers will be ready for it tho. They've already driven for hours to get here.

The consensus will be revealed in the next chapter.


An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now