31 July, 2019.

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Happy Birthday Mom!

We had a flexibility class at gym today. It sucked big time because I already knew that my flexibility levels are fucking weak. Do you know how bad it feels when you're the only one who isn't able to perform each move? We got on the treadmill for a while and then went back home. It started raining on our way back so now I'm just waiting for my cold to intensify.

After taking a bath, I prepared myself for today's interview. Was I nervous? Heck yes. Always am.

I reached the office and waited. I met a PG student from my college so we both got talking. She was also there for the same post. Which makes me wonder what exactly their requirements were. As soon as she went for her interview, the debate candidate from my college turned up. The third guy either wasn't shortlisted or he just didn't bother to come.

There wasn't a lot of small talk involved today cause we were already out of topics from the last time we met at that very place. Ultimately, it was time for my interview and I saw the actual work space for the first time.

Yeah, as expected, the office was big. I couldn't get to see much cause I had to enter a cabin that was very close to the entrance. I finally got to the meet the senior manager who I had hoped to see during my last interview. She was a little on the harsh/ straightforward side but I kind of expected it.

I also met with the calmer project head and most of interview discussion happened with him. I told them about myself and answered the questions they had. The Project head told me that they're planning on venturing into something more than traditional retail banking. It has a lot to do with developing solutions using problem solving approach and communicating that model through various internal channels.

They said they wanted to hire people who didn't have a banking background so that there aren't any pre-conceived notions. The job did include keeping relations with various entities and a whole lot of research work.

They went on to tell me that needed me to be committed to the work. The senior manager was very frank when she told me that she wasn't interested in training me only to see me leave for another company. Nor did they want me to say that I don't like the job after I've got it. They had witnessed a similar case before and didn't want that happening again.

I asked them about having a mentor and they seemed very hesitant with their reply. That means I'll be working on my own.

Finally, coming to the "future plans" questions. One mention of Finance and they told me that this might not be the right place for me. Oh well.

The project head did give me his card tho. So I guess I have atleast some chance of being shortlisted? I don't know.

I came back home and got changed into that new dress I had recently bought. I'll have to admit, I looked pretty fancy. We ended up going to a mall that was very close to the place where I had my interview..... Why did I come back then? Just kidding.

We did quite a bit of window shopping at a couple of stores. To be honest, we were looking for a dress for mom but couldn't find any that suited her/ was of her size.

After that we went to a nice Asian Restaurant. It was one of those fancy ones where the menu is displayed on a tablet. We decided to go beyond our normal food choices a bit this time. Alex and dad opted for Tom Yum soup while mom and I tried out the Vietnamese Noodle Clear soup. Ours was fucking delicious! It looked great too. I haven't seen this item on a lot of menus but if I see one listed in another restaurant, you bet I'm going to order it.

We then ate some dumplings, baos and a chicken starter and then went on to have Sichuan Chicken Hot Pot along with noodles and rice for our mains. The food was really nice. We has a nice family time and came back home satisfied.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now