23 June, 2019.

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I had a fun day today! I met my school friends after a really long time!

I met up with Mia below her building and went over to Mikayla's. The three of us stay close by and Mikayla drives, so we normally travel together. Another person who travels with us is Emily. We waited until she came and left after a brief conversation with Mikayla's mom.

Since my school and both the colleges were towards the south side of the city, I naturally made friends who live around that area. Thus we never really strayed up north. I don't think I've a made a single plan with my senior college friends in the suburbs beyond my house.

But today, as you may have already guessed, we made a plan in the suburbs. We had to roam a bit to find a damn parking space and eventually parked at such a place where we had no option but to pray that the car didn't get towed.

We walked up to the pizzeria and met Marissa there. I was so glad she could make it, considering her mom just found out yesterday that she drinks/drank at her party. Nova joined us after quite some time and finally we 6 were all together! We took a LOT of time to decide our order but we finally did. That included some Sangrias as well (all thanks to Zomato's Gold offer).

We spoke a lot! Mia and Emily have another year of design school left and they're currently interning. Emily's interning at a very popular name so good for her! The rest of us are as good as graduates now and Mikayla already has a job at a beauty company. Her JD totally coincides with what she wanted to do so I'm really happy for her. Nova and Marissa are currently working as interns at start ups so they're busy absorbing that atmosphere. Nova is also preparing for her law exams. I can definitely see her becoming a lawyer.

We recalled old school memories which is always a pleasant topic. I can't believe we've all been friends for over 6-7 years!

Mikayla told us more about her break up and her ex's creepy hacking incident. Nova spoke about her zen life as I like to call it. It's a surprising yet not so surprising decision on her part. Nova's always been unpredictable.

We took a lot of pictures in front of the picturesque front door of the pizzeria and then decide to go to a nearby game place. I had never been to one before but the idea seemed interesting. I used to have a lot of board games when I was a kid and I still like playing them.

We ended up playing Cards Against Humanity. Even though I sucked at it big time, it was fun! We stayed there for about an hour afterwhich we came at sat outdoors. We continued our conversations from the pizzeria. We spoke about dating and more life, future career plans (or lack of) among other things. We've vowed to meet at least once every year. And then everyone started leaving. Mikayla had to go somewhere else so Mia and I took a rick back home. Oh, but only after watching Nova ride her Royal Enfield. :O

Mia and I spoke quite a bit below her building and then at her house. The topics mostly revolved around either career/ my messed up placement cell or sex. I don't really talk about the latter with anyone in my life. But I felt comfortable discussing it with her. I'm a virgin but it's not a sin to want to know more about it/ talk about it, right?

On my way back, I met some relatives. Their son is also in the Commerce field which is why I felt attacked with their persistent/ slightly nosey "future plans" questions. They seemed surprised that I would want to work now but to each one his own, right?

Anyways, I came back home but almost immediately went out with Alex to get us some sandwiches for dinner.

After coming back home, I had no option but think about my Lonavala plan dilemma.

Okay so our bus stop gang kids have been wanting to make a Lonavala/ out of town plan for months now but that never happened. Now they seem to be wanting to make a plan on the upcoming weekend.

Paloma's birthday is on the 1st of July and she wants to make a Lonavala plan around the same time at this plan!

Now the dilemma is this. I really want to go for an out of town plan but I'm not sure who to say yes to.

With (Nigel and) Paloma's plan, they want to include Paloma's other friends as well. I may have met them but I've never really "hung out" with them so that could be awkward. I'd practically be living with strangers. Besides, more boys are okay with the plan than girls....

Even then I'm considering saying yes to the plan because it is Paloma's birthday and there's a very high chance that she won't be allowed if I'm not there.

Oh yeah, one more reason why saying yes to Paloma is risky is that she hasn't asked permission from her parents yet and they are SUPER strict. She's never been allowed on trips like this. Nor have I but now I'm allowed to go for either of the plans.

Nigel says that Paloma's mom will agre but I have my doubts.

On the other hand, I have my plan with the bus stop gang. Honestly, the sole reason why I'm considering this plan is because I feel it's more likely that this plan will work out. It's not like I don't want to meet them, it's just I'd like to prioritise Paloma's birthday over them.

However, as of now, nobody seems to be planning anything on this group. And the very few villas they've suggested cost a bomb. First of all, I'm definitely not paying so much for just a weekend plan. Also, what if I say yes to this plan but the plan doesn't end up happening? That would suck.

I haven't given a confirmation to either of the two plans but I think both sides have just assumed that I'll be there. I need to act fast but am unable to make a decision.

I just got off a phone call with Kristen. She gave me a bit of advice regarding my current situation and told me all about this amazing play she experienced today. I say "experienced" instead of "watched" because this was a highly audience involved play.

So the play's concept was to have only about 5-6 "audience" members who would be blindfolded and made to sit in different ends of a room they've never seen before. And they would experience the play using the other 4 senses. I think that's (slightly creepy but) quite cool! I'd totally like to go for it but apparently it happens only once a year.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now