14 July, 2019.

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Today I woke up by 8AM, made myself a cup of coffee and waited for the maid to come and do her morning chores. I didn't have to pack lunch for anyone so I was able to start cooking after I took a bath and freshened up. 

The menu for today's lunch was pasta. I have burnt my pasta before and today was my redemption of sorts. So first I prepped up by dicing some garlic as well some chicken. I then got all the necessary ingredients out and then began cooking. Together with Alex, we successfully finished making our tasty lunch! Even though I used a pasta sauce, I'm just happy that I didn't burn anything today! And I swear the food tasted really good. The chicken was cooked well. *Pats the back*

I spoke to Gurtley in the afternoon. The girl sure does A LOT of research and takes a lot of efforts to find stuff. Which is exactly why I wonder how she is still not able to bag a job or be in any other secured position.

Thereafter I continued by career research. I also looked for a lot of recipies to decide on tonight's dinner. Dad came back home in the evening so we spent some time talking about his stay. Alex had gone out to get some pav because I ultimately decided to make egg bhurji.

I did find a recipe but since my dad is a really good cook, I asked him to supervise me. And that's how I made tonight's dinner as well. That was a success too.

The ICC World Cup finals took place today but since India wasn't playing, we didn't watch most of the match. But Alex called me in the last couple of overs cause the match was just starting to get interesting. He likes it when it's a close match. He was rooting for New Zealand so I decided to cheer for England. This is what I normally do to make the game watching more interesting (only when I don't really support either of the teams). It doesn't matter if I'm on the losing side as well.

And that's what seemed to happen today as well. New Zealand was on the winning side until the game turned over. Alex and I couldn't stop laughing when the over throw incident happened because we were THAT amused by the game. In fact we woke up dad with all our endless laughter. Alex wanted a super over AND THAT'S WHAT WE GOT!

Woah, I have seen football shoot-outs but I have never seen a super over in my life. Certainly not in a World Cup. And what an amazing coincidence that the first match in this World Cup to (partially) end in a draw is none other than the finals match!

I'm going to state the rules of the super over cause I didn't know them before today's match. In a super over, each team gets one over and a wicket each (so basically one bowler and 3 batsmen in each over are the crucial players). The teams themselves get to decide who the bowler or the batsmen are. The main aim is to score as many runs they can in that over. Obviously the maximum run scoring team wins. In case of a draw in the super over, the team having more boundaries in the normal innings wins.

In today's match, England had more boundaries than NZ so they had a sliiiiight advantage.

England was to bat first and set a target for NZ. The average run rate for a normal over is about 6-7 runs. Guess how much England made. 15!! Woaaaah! That was so cool. At that point we were sure that England will take the cup this time. I mean come on, making 16 runs in an over is no joke. But oh boy, New Zealand surprised all of us during their turn too! We were so excited looking at the boundaries! At the time, nobody could've predicted which side will win!

But one team had to and yes, it was England. Before the last ball, NZ were at 14 runs so they needed 2 runs to win, a draw was not an option for them. They managed to take a run but Guptill got out at the last moment! If they would've completed that run then the World Cup winner would've been a totally different team.

It was SUCH a close match!! What an interesting turn of events!! It was worthy if being a tournament finale! Congratulations England!

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now