13 August, 2019.

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I finally went to the University today. Mom accompanied me too. Unlike previous times, we needed to make a pass in order to the entire the University building. And there was a long ass line to do that.

While waiting for my turn to come, I overheard an interesting conversation. One of the students asked another if she knew how many ATKTs (Allowed To Keep Terms) would result in a fail grade. It probably has something to do with the way I've been brought up or the schools and colleges I've been to, but I have never come across or have been familiar with the KT system simply because I thought it was imperative for everyone to pass. In this part of the University tho...

Anyways, guess what the other girl replied. She said she didn't have any idea. Oh no, it's not the same reason as me. It was the because the woman was going to appear for her Third Year without giving her First and Second Year exams....


How is that possible? Oh, I will never understand how this University works.

Anyways, we got our pass and were directed to one of the rooms only to find out that the re-evaluation process hasn't begun. -_______-

I was a tad bit relieved because that meant that I wasn't late. But it was confusing because everyone else's had. Mom and I decided to go check the "forms dispatching" room where the other courses' forms were to be collected from.

They told us that even if they had the form, they weren't allowed to give it unless they got a circular. You mean to tell me that out of all the exams scheduled by the University, only our circular hasn't been given out? They directed us to the very first counter we went to.

On my way, I met the same two guys who helped me figure out the new admission form a couple of months ago.

Mom inquired at the counter and guess what ladies and gentlemen, apparently they're opting for an online process for everything related to my exams. And that process will start rolling in a couple of days.

Well, that was a bummer. But it was better to get a clarification instead of being clueless.

On our way back, I went to the bank to deposit the cheque grandad had given me. Had some troubles filling up the deposit slips but I got the job done. I spoke to Scarlett on my way back. It's been quite some time since I spoke to her so it felt good.

I had a Duolingo marathon once I came home. If I had to be completely honest, I'm not sure this is the best way to learn Korean. They've got the difficulty level alright but since the format of this app is only test based, it's not at all structured the I would like to be. For example, it would've been better if the app taught me the different kinds conjunctions and then tested me on it. Cause currently, I have to figure stuff out and then make notes of it, which isn't a very efficient method.

In the evening, I went to the market with mom. We first got her book exchanged and headed to a "beauty and accessories" store. We bought 3 nail polishes, a chain and lip balms there. We then went to the main market and picked up 2 pairs of sweatpants, ginger and rakhi.

On our way back, we came across a newly opened grocery store. It wasn't hard to miss what with all the flashy lights and flower decorated at the entrance.

We went in and I just marveled at the place. I didn't expect the place to be this big. It was a little crowed but I could work my way through the aisles. This place was like the snacks place I went to the last time but more spacious and included a lot more items. It had a fridge at the back with veges, cheese, to-be-fried items. It also had a sweets and snacks live counter where you could eat. In my opinion, it gives competition to a lot of nearby stores.

The items in this store were high priced tho, even with the discount. I did get a snack item and some Shin Ramen but I'm not real sure if I'd shop there often.

I probably won't tell this to mom anytime soon but I like cutting onions. And I have no problems with making the chapati dough cause it makes it better for me concentrate on, say, Cari cakes' videos. Nice!

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now