7 July, 2019.

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A couple of days ago I made an impulsive decision to cook this Sunday's chicken curry. Today's chicken curry.

My track record at cooking has worsened the last few times I tried to make something but I decided to give it one more try today. I was very optimistic tho. I've seen my mom and dad cook the dish almost every Sunday and if I'm already tasked with cutting a bunch of vegetables, I might as well take it to the next step.

I cut the onions, tomato and garlic (mom helped make the garlic paste) as well as the chicken. After setting up a couple of ingredients, I got to work. My mom was there to guide me the entire time but she mostly rested the "how much to put in" decisions to me. One (of the probably 100) problem(s) that I have with cooking is that I never know when it's time to move on to the next step. Mom helped me with that today.

It took a little over an hour for my chicken curry to be ready. To be honest, it wasn't bad at all! I think I did a pretty good job. My parents liked it too! Wooohooo! I didn't burn anything today! Wooohooo!

IZ*ONE took part in KCon New York and I watched their entire appearance. They performed Airplane, Violeta, Rumour, La Vie En Rose, Nekkoya along with a separate special performance of Highlight. According to the comment section of the video I watched, it was a big success for the girls. I for sure had a nice time watching their performances so I'm hoping its the truth. Apparently, they will also attend the KCon taking place in LA in the month of August. It'll be great if they put up different performances on that show, especially cause the scale in LA seems to be much higher than NY.

I also continued my online course. Then I watched this movie called 'Crazy Rich Asians'. It was a pretty light hearted movie, I liked it.

Okay. I knew I had this one coming. Dad asked me about about my future plans and I didn't have anything to tell him. I cried hard as usual. Out of guilt obviously. I know what I have to do. I've known it for a very long time. But it's fucking annoying how unmotivated I am. It's like I'm waiting to be at my absolute worst to start taking control of my future. I am doing an extremely bad job with figuring out my own life.

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