24 July, 2019.

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Today we went to the gym a little after 7AM. We were doing our thing on the treadmill when the trainer told us that there is this group exercise that's taking place and we were to join them. It was to understand our muscle endurance. Okay, interesting.

So there were about 5 of us. I think the training session was only for the newbies. Thank goodness. They took us to the main corridor outside the gym and then we began with an hour long session of jogging, body rotations, step climbing exercises, sit ups, etc. I was perfectly alright for most part but I obviously started getting really tired by the end. When we got to the post exercise stretching part, I started feeling very uneasy and pukish. I thankfully held it in and went through with everything. I was dripping in sweat by the time we got done.

And that was all the gymming we did today. After our turn with the stretching machine (I think that's something you got to do everyday before leaving?), we left for home.

Today evening, I met up with Kristen and Venus! Venus just passed one of her exams and was in a mood to celebrate it. She knew about a place that had a "women's night" aka "free drinks for women on Wednesdays" scheme and we decided to spend our time there.

Ofcourse I was the first one to reach and obviously since it was a drinking place, I waited for either of them to arrive so that we could enter the place together. I don't own any club appropriate clothes (at this rate, I might never own them) so I just wore my normal jeans and one of my fav tops. Kristen came in a full length dress and she looked really cute!

We went in and the place looked pretty nice. The lights weren't bright but it wasn't as dark as the brewery I went to the last time. Kristen had already booked the seats so we sat and spoke about our lives a bit. Kristen's got a job now and I'm so happy for her. Hopefully, this place treats her well and she has a great experience. Venus was going to take some time to come so the two of us ordered a (small) plate of Quesadilla and a Croquettes. Both of them were quite tasty.

The place had a policy where people had to show their IDs before ordering drinks and pick it up from the bar themselves. Since I wasn't legally allowed to drink, Kristen offered to get something for me as well. None of us had done this before so I suggested we wait for Venus, who seems to be a pro at it. But Kristen didn't want to wait any longer and went to order our drinks. Turns out, we could only have the Sangrias cause we needed to be 24+ to order the hard drinks.


Well, I was lucky they didn't check my ID cause then I wouldn't have been able to have that as well.

We had our Sangrias and Venus arrived at some point. She wore this figure hugging backless dress and she looked HOT! She did have a fake 24+ ID but nobody would even doubt that she's a growass woman. Anyways, now that our savior was here, we were able to drink those vodka and rum drinks. I mostly stuck to Sangria tho. I didn't want to get drunk and I needed to go back home soon.

I didn't even realise when the lights were reduced and the music turned louder (and no, I wasn't drunk). Oh, speaking of music, at one point I could see BTS' Boy With Luv MV playing on the TV while I had Waste It On Me being played on the loudspeaker. Oh, you bet I had a good time.

The three of us had a blast! We ate some Mexican rice, pasta, drank, spoke, laughed, took loads of pictures and even danced! Venus' heels broke in the middle and it was hilarious!!

Soon, it was 10PM and time for us to leave. Kristen left first and goodness we were so worried for her. We watched her stumble a bit on the staircase and were praying that she gets back to her senses by the time she reached home. The girl had had a lot to drink, much more than me.

Venus wanted to stay back because the "party was just about to begin" but I knew I couldn't stay out for so long. We danced for some time afterwhich I left too. I reached home in a matter of just 15 mins. Huh, looks like I could've stayed for more time. Anyways, today was the first time I saw a rickshaw guy using GPS instead of asking me for the route. Rickshaws tend to say no if they don't know the route so this is a good thing.

An Outlet: Part 7Where stories live. Discover now