sick - yoongi oneshot

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Yoongi was home from dance practice. He had just opened the door and took off his shoes. The smell of your favourite food, tteokbokki was surrounding the room. He was looking so tired, must have been the practice.

"Lauren! Baby I'm home" he says walking towards the living room. Sound of small footsteps following.

"Yeah..." You answer weakly.

"What happened to you?" He asks seeing your deathly pale lips and tissues piled up beside the couch.

Your cheeks were red and you were burning up. You were cuddled up in blankets watching vampire diaries on the TV.

"Don't come near me." I said.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"I'm sick"

"Just a second." He said and put the food on the dining table. He then went to the kitchen and opened the cabinet taking out the medicines that you needed. He was also heating up some milk. He then went up and took the food and arranged them in plates.

About five minutes later he came back with a tray full of supplies and sat down beside me. He fed me and gave me all of my medicines. I was too lazy to take care of myself😂

He then cleaned everything up and sat down beside ma and pulled me closer to him.

"Yoongi you'll get sick" you said.

"I don't care and I wanna cuddle with you" he said.


"No buts time this happens you call me" he said softly kissing your forehead.

"I don't wanna be a burden" you said.

"Lauren, dear you'll never be a burden for me💜 I love you💜 always and forever. Now let's watch vampire diaries shall we?" He said showing his gummy smile.

You nodded, happily. Everything was finally right,with him in your arms smiling.

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