Not wanting the baby- jungkook

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I was going back to work after having lunch with a few clients when I noticed my assistant standing at my door.

I walked slowly into my cabin as she walked inside carefully, feeling the sick feeling to the stomach, I wanted to get out so badly.

I ran to the bathroom before I could puke all over my cabin, after emptying the contents of my stomach, I came out feeling lightheaded.

Soon my assistant helped me get to the hospital and paid for the full body checkup just like she should.

Laying on the bed, I felt so drained of energy until I saw a very tensed jungkook walk towards me with worry all over his face.

" Baby what happened to you? You shouldve rested when I told you this morning." he pouted sadly showing hurt all over his face.

" It's okay jungkook, I'll be okay, and Vanessa already made a full body checkup-" I said feeling a little weak.

" Uhm miss y/n- oh mr.jeon is here uh I-" a very awkward vanessa walked throuhh the open door.

" what happened vanessa? The results came out?" a tense jungkook asked her.

" Miss everything is okay with you but-" she hesitated.

" But what? You need to tell me." I said feeling a little worried.

" Madam, y-you're 2 months pregnant" she said, making cold sweat appear on my body as I straightened my spine.

" P-pregnant? N-no it can't be-?" I stuttered, a baby was something that I couldnt handle at this stage of my life.

" W-wow t-two months?" Jungkook smiled happily as he touched my abdomen and stroked it lovingly.

" No vanessa you need to check again, I can't be pregnant-" I said feeling annoyed right at this moment.

" Y/n baby, calm down okay calm down." jungkook tried to make me feel ease by slowly rubbing my back lovingly.

" NO JUNGKOOK YOU DONT UNDERSTAND " I screamed out loud, without thinking how rude I'd be.

" Y/n please, just calm down baby you're scaring me." jungkook said, as vanessa walked out to give us more privacy.

" I- I'm sorry jungkook " I sighed, I knew I went a bit too far so, I just stayed quiet.
He nodded at me and enveloped me in a tight and warm hug.

" Baby it's okay, Look, the reports say that you are indeed two months pregnant-" Jungkook cautiously showed the reports to me.

" Jungkook I-" I didnt know how to say it to him, I knew that this was not going to work out.

" Im so happy baby, we are gonna become parents- " he lowered his head and kissed my forehead lovingly.

" Jungkook no-" I finally managed to get that out.

" No what baby? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? " he asked, holding my hands in his, smiling.

I sat up and rested my back properly before looking at him again, taking a deep breath, I mustered my courage.

" Jungkook I dont think we should keep the baby-" I said, using all of the mustered up courage in one go.

" Y-y/n what are you saying ?" he looked shocked, as if he felt whatever I was saying was stupid.

" Jungkook I dont want the baby " I knew that this moment was gonna come sooner or later.

" D-dont want the b-baby? " he looked confused, terrified almost.

" Y/n do you not w-want to have a baby with me ? " he asked again, with tear coated eyes.

" Jungkook you know that I love you right? " I held his hand tightly in my palm, he nodded and looked at me.

" I can't have a child right now jungkook, I'm just 23 and you are 24, baby we are too young " I said sighing.

" Y/n but, do you really dont want this child? " he asked as a single tear escaped his eyes.

" Jungkook I'm sorry- I just- I can't see myself as a mother-" I said sighing, I knew I shouldn't have been rude at him.

" O-okay then. " he said as he wiped the tears that escaped his eyes, the corners were so bloody red that it made my heart ache.

" I'm really sorry jungkook, God I wish I knew what to say right now-" I sighed in frustration.

" Y/n I'm not mad at you or snything, but I need some time right now, will you be okay? " his tired silhouette walked out after I nodded, heaving a sigh.

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