Movie night- jimin

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Movie nights with him

Its been a while since jimin and I had a movie night. Both of us had been really busy with work and everything and didn't really have time for each other.  So I decided to plan a movie night since it would be a little relaxing and perfect for the weekend.

I almost finished setting everything up and I got bags of kettle corn, cans of Coke and pizza, perfect for this. I also layed down a really fluffy carpet and put pillows on it to make it cosy and warm and comfortable, I went to the bedroom and got out the projector, blankets and changed into a warm fuzzy and cute unicorn onesie. I also pulled out jimin's onesie and layed it down on the bed and sat down on the couch waiting for him to come home.

It took him about 20 mins to come home after he came in, I gave him a tight hug.
" Jimin-ah, I set up a movie night for us, go take a shower and I also got you comfy clothes, change into them,baby."
He smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
" Okay y/n, I will be quick okay? Wait for me and choose the movie baby" he said and went to the bedroom.
I heard the shower turn on, so I started the projector on and opened Netflix. I went through the types of genre's and decided to pick a classic-American comedy film. I picked straight A and slowly started munching on the popcorn.

Jimin came out in the fluffy onesie and smiled at me while drying his hair with his white turkey towel.
" Come, baby, sit down." I said and patted the space beside my left hand.
He gave a soft smile and placed the towel on the chair properly and grabbed the Nivea peach lip balm on the counter and applied it on his lips giving him a cut pouty lip. He came and sat down beside me and grabbed a slice of pizza.
" Did you choose the movie babe?" He asked me while biting onto the cheesy parts of the pizza and chowing down on it with relish.
" Yeah I did, I thought we'd watch straight-A, is that okay jimin-ah?"  I asked him.

He nodded and laid down comfortably and pressed start on the projector, both of us laid back and watched it happily while eating.

I was laughing at one of the scenes where the female lead falls down on her but, and I saw jimin falling asleep.  His hand was in the popcorn bag but his eyes were drooping and he started yawning.
" Baba are you tired?"  I asked him while I paused the movie and played with his hair.
"W-what y/n, no, let's keep watching." He said trying so hard not to fall asleep.

I pressed on resume and kept watching but after a while, I heard light snores coming from my left side. I turned to see jimin completely asleep in his cute onesie and with his cute pouty and full lips and fluffy bed hair, he looked completely irresistible and adorable. His hair was dishevelled and he drooled a little in his sleep.
I got up and turned the projector off and grabbed a wet tissue and wiped jimin's hands slowly and softly trying not to wake him up and threw it in the garbage. I cleaned everything up and grabbed a queen size blanket and snuggled into him.

I covered him and kissed his forehead and looked at him adoringly and happily. He slowly stirred and pulled me closer to him and gave me a peck on my lips. He cuddled into my arms and laid his head on my shoulder, I gave him a forehead kiss and smiled at him.

" I love you so much jimin."

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