Helping you when you cry-jungkook

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I was standing in the room, taking in all the events that happened in the last hour, I held my purse in my left hand as my right hand held my right cheek, from the impact I received from the slap, everyone turned to look at me from the sound, but he didn't care, he threw another slap on the left side of my face, before walking away with the mistress he had.

" Let's divorce. " was the last thing he said to me, before he made me sign the papers, I knew I shouldn't love him like this when he was hurting me this much, I knew he was a complete jerk, I didn't understand why, I still wanted to hold his cheek in my hand as I kissed him, but all he wanted was a divorce from me, it was gonna be difficult to forget him, forget Leo.

" Please don't chase after that jerk " a lady begged, walking forward to me in her ball gown as he moved her hand towards me, I just nodded at her and walked to the balcony, hoping for some fresh air, I didn't know what I had to do, but getting out of here was definitely going to be the best thing to do. The lady followed me to the balcony to make sure I wasn't gonna do anything stupid.

" Please go back inside, your man is waiting for you " I said to her, at least someone was kind to me, she nodded and placed a wine glass and a bottle of white wine, before leaving the balcony to go back to the party. I put my purse on the table and sat down in the empty chair, laughing at myself, I opened my phone, only to see a message from Leo, saying he moved out of the house, I started laughing harder, was I really that hateful?
I wanted to get intoxicated, I wanted to lose the ability to feel, because even if leo was poison, I was addicted to it, to the toxicity, making me hate myself for loving him, wordlessly, I opened the white wine, mentally thanking the lady for giving me something at least, I poured myself a fair amount in the glass she gave and started sipping it slowly, my alcohol tolerance was non-existent, I didn't need to chug anyway.
I continued, finishing the glass quickly, soon a second one followed, and a third, a fourth, and a fifth, soon I was done with half of the bottle, I was feeling quite tipsy but I continued to drink away my feelings, I just continued till there was almost nothing left in the bottle, I called out for the waiter and asked him to get me another bottle.
With the last of the wine in my glass, I moved to the edge of the balcony as the chilly air made me quiver, feeling goose bumps run through my exposed skin, I was wearing a fitted strapless gown, making it even harder to get warmed up, I rested my arm on the edge as I sipped on the remaining wine left in the glass.

" Are you okay? " I heard a voice beside me, from the next balcony. I turned my head to the right, to see a guy standing there with a bottle of white wine in his hands as well, his eyes looked tired but somehow he looked really handsome. He moved his long hair away from his face and bit his peachy lips, his suit flowing due to the wind.

" ah? " I was taken aback at the sudden question, whenever someone asked me that, I'd probably break down so I avoided that question as much as I could but this time I couldn't, this time, a tear fell out of my eyes as the light from the room hit my face, clearly exposing my expression, he looked a little shocked but soon regained his composure.

" You don't need to answer me and here, you look like you need it more anyway " he passed his bottle of wine to me, but he was careful, he stretched his arm, moving over the edge of the balcony, he held out the full bottle, looking at me, I suddenly felt conscious of my appearance, I probably looked like a mess but I didn't have the heart to say no.

" we can s-share " I replied, signaling for him to come over to this balcony, I thought he would go inside and come to this hall but I was wrong, he made me hold the bottle and jumped onto this balcony, holding onto the edge for a good grip, I was scared at how he did it so effortlessly but my body was too tired to react.
Soon, we sat down opposite of each other, he poured the wine into my glass as he grabbed his own and drank some, suddenly, the waiter walked here with the bottle I asked for and was shocked, seeing us here.

" boss? " he stuttered, almost letting the bottle fall down but the guy in front of me held him, making sure he didn't fall down.

" Put that here and go get me an ice pack, cooling gel and a coat " he said in a deep voice, making the waiter leave obediently, I opened my phone's front camera to see red handprints on both my cheeks, making me look extremely pitiful, my eye makeup completely smudged and looking ugly.

He smiled at me as he signaled for me to continue drinking without bothering.
" You- I'm sorry for making you jump like that " I apologized, I was surprised at my manners after being this drunk, but drinking when you're broken doesn't really make you drunk, and I felt pretty much sober if I was being honest, he smiled at me and nodded, re filling my empty glass as he poured himself another.

" can I ask you what happened? " he asked, I nodded and laughed, sipping the wine as I swirled the glass around, just then, the waiter arrived with the things he asked for, he took them from his hands and stood up, placing the coat around my arms, making me feel immediately warm, he wordlessly took the aloe gel and applied it to my cheeks, calming the tingling sensation in them.

" my husband, well ex- husband of now, brought his mistress to the party, she was mad at me ho he slapped me and made me sign divorce papers " I laughed, but I suddenly sat up straight, feeling the sting after the cool gel was applied, the guy gave me the ice pack, signaling for me to put it on my lip, which I didn't even notice I busted and had a cut on.

" I- you know what, I can help you beat him up. " he responded, sitting down after he finished applying the gel, I laughed and shook my head, I was almost at the brink of tears cause it felt so much more real after I said it out loud.
" you don't need to, it's his loss anyway, I'm Kang y/n " I moved my hand forward and smiled, as a tear escaped my eye unnoticeably, he wiped it and took my hand, shaking it softly as he smiled.

" I'm Jeon Jungkook " he smiled, helping me wipe my face with the tissues the waiter thoughtfully brought, and we enjoyed each other's company, drinking down our sorrows and being intoxicated with wine and deep conversation.

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