Psithurism - namjoon

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Psithurism: (n.) the sound of the wind through a dark, deep forest.

I opened my eyes with a struggling motion, the bright light hit my eyes so quickly that I closed them again before opening them slowly again adjusting to the lighting.

After opening them, I looked around and saw that I was lying down on a pile of dried leaves and a few ants crawled all over my body.

Feeling weird, I threw them off of my body in a quick swipe, after wiping the soil off of my not so clean pants, I stood up properly to take a good look of where I was.

All I know was that my not so responsible single father left me here without a word, I was abandoned, in the middle of nowhere, cold air blew through the trees.

Chills formed all over my body, unable to bear it, I runned my palm over my exposed shoulders to warm up a bit from the cold.

I noticed my phone lying on the ground, I quickly picked it up and tried to turn it on, to my expectations, it didnt turn on. With nothing to survive on and no way of communication, I knew I was going yo suffer.

Angry tears made way to my eyes, I felt so helpless and so useless. I wiped them and felt disappointed in myself for crying. I slowly walked to the right side.

But all I saw was a cliff, I knew I couldnt find a way, at the end of the cliff, I saw nothing but more forest ground, I knew I was done for.

I decided that it would be better to not lose hope and walk but my injured knees said otherwise.

Sighing, I slumped down, I knew there was no way I'm gonna survive this, I felt so disappointed in myself. Was I really destined to be abandoned?

Should I have just died after being born? Why have kids when you cant be responsible for them? The tears threatened to fall again.

I knew I just turned into an adult but that didnt mean he could just abandon me like that,why was my biological father acting like this?

What was the point in scolding him now? My fingers held onto the soil in anger, dirt clogging in my nails, it hurt a lot but I couldn't care less.

Just when I thought everything was out of my reach, I heard footsteps. The hope that died down in me burned deeper and brighter.

I stood up and ran towards the sound and as much I didnt want to say it, I said it.
" Dad is that you!? Dad I'm here " I screamed out loud.

" Is anyone there? " a crisp and cold voice sounded. I immediately knew it wasn't my dad, but I could at least get some help.

Hoping that the stranger wasn't a serial killer, I walked towards the voice with hope blooming in my heart as the desire to survive grew stronger.

" Do you need some help miss? are uoh lost? " The person that the voice was coming from soon came into my vision, taking my breath away.

He was dressed in beige shirt with some brown slacks, a friendly smile appeared on his face, his hands held a brown overcoat, cold wind blew, making his slightly long hair fall over his eyes.

Somehow a sense of warmth formed in my heart at the sight of him.
" Miss you look hurt? Let me treat you-" his voice was now clear.

" Y-you're willing to help me? " I asked as I clutches my not so damaged but dirty phone in my hand. I was surprised at the amount of kindness radiating from him.

" You're hurt and you look like you've been out here freezing, come with me, I have my car at the entrance." he said smiling.

" B-but I'm a stranger to you, why would you help me? " I asked, feeling kinda unsure. I somehow felt that I could teust him but the fact that my dad abandoned me made me second guess my instincts.

" So what if you're a stranger? We are all humans and we deserve kindness, why were you out here? " He asked as he slowly walked towards the left, as if he was signalling me to follow.

" Um I-" I didn't want to tell him, but that fact that he was willing to help me made me soften a bit, I opened up and told him.
" My father left me here-"

" WHAT? I'm sorry I didn't mean to scream at you-" he apologized quickly as he held his dark brown locks in between his fingers.

" I understand your shock, but he has always hated me so ye-" I said and sighed, I didn't know why I felt so comfortable opening up to him.

" Honey you are hurt badly, both physically and mentally-" he said sighing. I stopped in my track.
" Please don't show me pity-"I said.

" It's not pity, god no-, I mean you deserve way better, just disappointed the world didnt treat you well" he said.
" you dont even know my name" I said.

" I don't have to, I can tell, oh and my name is Kim namjoon by the way, sorry forgot to tell you, how about you? " he asked.

" I'm y/n, Seo y/n." I smiled finally.

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