Pranking him on his birthday

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It was perfect weather. It was not too cold nor hot here. Jin had to go out for a meeting. The new MAMA was coming up too. He was a bit busy. He told me he will be back late because he had to do a VLIVE for ARMY. So it was the perfect time for a prank. I decided to go take my urban decay palette and used my not so artistic skills to make four fake hickeys on my neck. It was visible properly and jin was going to FREAK OUT. So I waited and waited for a while and I saw his texts. He told me he was coming back so I went ahead and put on my v neck shirt with some black pants and  I pretended as nothing happened. I saw him walking through the door and the first thing he did was come and hug me. I hugged him back and gave him a kiss on his left cheek making sure that the hickey was visible. He saw it and was now pissed.
" Y/n what is that?" he said pointing at my neck. I stuttered while talking to make it seem real.
" I-its n-nothing I burnt myself." I said.
" You burnt yourself  FOUR TIMES?"
" Uh, y-yes."
" y/n... Really? You cheated on me on MY BIRTHDAY " He was now shaking uncontrollably and he started to cry. I couldn't take it anymore and took a makeup wipe and wiped the hickey off. I then took him to the dining room to show what I did for him. Jungkook came out from the bedroom and hugged jin wishing him happy birthday. All of them came out slowly and sang to him.
I then looked at jin and kissed him. He kissed me back and we all cut the cake.

While sleeping he slowly cuddled up to me.
" jinie, I would NEVER CHEAT ON YOU. I love you OK?" I said.
He looked at me and hugged me really tightly and fell asleep. I kissed his forehead

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