My world- hoseok

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It was amazing being hoseok's girlfriend. He was so cheerful, happy and made me believe I'm a Queen. I was really happy at school because I did well, my parents were okay with me having a boyfriend so that's even better. Hoseok and I, we met at dance class, I was trying a particular dance move that I didn't quite get and he helped me. He made my heart melt within seconds after seeing his cute smile. I felt honoured to be his girlfriend. We saw each other at school and we lived together, so I was never away from him. All of his friends like me too, so we hang out with each other. My life couldn't be more perfect.

But that's when it starts to screw up. I used to have movie nights with hoseok on Saturdays. He was supposed to be home by 9 pm but he wasn't yet. I kept waiting for him and ended up falling asleep on the couch. That was how it started. Then he kept forgetting things a lot. I didn't think of it that much and decided it will be fine.

I then made dinner plans for Sunday but he stood me up again. I had actually waited 4 hours before I left the restaurant. He did come home and he was eating ramen watching some drama while being cuddled up in a blanket. He saw me in my dress that was now drenched from the rain but he didn't say anything.

I sighed and walked to our master bedroom and took off my clothes to go take a shower. I didn't want to say anything because I thought he had a rough day. I thought things would take a turn for the better but, they didn't. Instead, they became even worse.

It was our 1 year anniversary and I made a candlelight dinner at home. Of course, he did come on time but he didn't pay attention to me the whole time. Rather, he was checking his messages and eating.

It will be fine y/n, I thought. You just have to endure okay? He loves you y/n. Were my thoughts when I ignored all things.

But what happened last night, it made me doubt everything. I just couldn't take it anymore.

//LAST NIGHT//6:40 PM//

I was walking home after practising for the audition at JYP. I really wanted to get in because I've always dreamed of being an idol singer.
I was pretty exhausted and just before I walked into the house, I got a call. It was from my brother. I picked it up to hear his weeps.

" Hello, taehee?"
"y-y/n? "
"yeah, taehee, what happened? Why are you crying? " I asked.
" y/n please come home, d-dad got in an accident, he is in a critical confition." he said.
I dropped my phone. I was shocked and I couldn't speak. I went inside with great difficulty and packed my bag. I booked the tickets and I had to leave in three hours.

That's when a drunk hobi walked in. He struggled to get inside but somehow ended up on the couch.

" H-hobi?"
" What y/n?" he said as if it annoys him.
" my dad, he- he um.."
" he got in an accident." I said, now with fears filling my eyes but he didn't have a change in his expression.
" hobi do you even love me anymore? " I asked. He was a bit soberer, and he sighed.
"Im sorry y/n, I just don't. I fell out of love."

That's when I freed him, from our endless seesaw game. I broke up with him.

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