When the fuckboy cries- min yoongi

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I was sitting in the classroom waiting for my science teacher to show up, I was bored as hell and people usually didnt talk to me so It wasn't uncommon for me to be bored.

I decided to open my notes and start studying for my upcoming exams but I wasn't able to concentrate with all of the noise the guys were making, I turned around and wanted to tell them to keep it down, and be the "annoying bitch" to them but when I turned around, I saw that the guy that I usually scolded was not there. I shrugged and turned around facing the board, soon, a teacher walked in and made the class quiet down.

" Mrs Sarah is on her way to the hospital for labour, and other teachers dont have a free period, so you guys leave after the bell rings." he said and walked out.

I sighed and put the books in my bag and started walking out, I knew I couldn't study here due to the disturbances, I walked to the bleachers and sat down, opening biology notes.

As I started to concentrate, I heard a faint voice, it sounded like sobbing, so I stood up and walked to the other side of the bleachers, I was shocked to find the school's most notorious playboy, min yoongi crying hard.

I wanted to go and comfort him but his expression turned worse at being caught. I sighed as I walked towards him and sat down beside him.
" Go away y/n" he said as he faced the grass.
" It's okay I wont look at you" I turned away from him.

I heard a sigh come from his exhausted throat.
" Y/n please-" I interrupted his words.
" I know yoongi, I'm a bitch and you dont want to see me but I dont want you to be alone like this, I promise I won't even take a look, just let me be here for you," I said quickly.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something but more tears fell out of his eyes, so I quietly faced the other way, hearing him sob so pitifully made me feel guilty even though I knew I wasn't responsible.

I sat there for about twenty minutes waiting for him to calm down.

His sobs disappeared slowly and he calmed down completely, he tried to speak but his voice came out really hoarse, all that crying probably made his throat sore.

" Since how long were you crying huh?" I smiled as I faced him.

" I dont know, maybe since first period?" he frowned looking at me.

" Why are you here? What happened to science?" he asked again.

" Well Mrs sarah is in labour so yeah, So do you wanna talk about it?" I asked smiling.

" Um, I, I don't know-" he hesitated.

" Sharing makes the burden lighter, I know I'm not exactly the person you would wish to be with right now, but I don't wanna leave you alone like this" I sighed.

" I don't wanna talk about it, it's really-" I decided to complete his sentence for him.

" It's complicated, I understand." I heard him sniff, I could sense that he was gonna cry again, so I moved closer and put my arm around him, he held me tight and sniffled hard.
" It's okay, you can cry if you want to" I smiled as I felt his sobs.

" Thank you for being here" he choked in between sobs.

" You're never gonna be alone from now" I ruffled his hair as I hugged him tightly.

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