Someone calling him the name you did- Taehyung

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Someone calling him the name you did - Taehyung.

I was at this party, holding a glass of beer mixed with soju as I sipped on it and sat beside the dog, talking to him to avoid conversations.

" You know bruno, I thought I hated people, and I'm right, I do hate people " I laughed, I was probably drunk as fuck but I didn't give a shit at this point.

Bruno was very obedient, sitting beside me and keeping me company as he let me kiss his head multiple times.
I wanted to get really really drunk so I continued.

This was probably my eighth drink but I was still kinda sober, I looked around to see people dancing and some making out in the corner.

We heard a thump and as I turned to look at it, I immediately regretted doing so.
There he was, taehyung, kissing a girl as he pinned her to the door.

Everyone hooted, cheering for him as he continued making out with her as if there was no tomorrow, they pretended nothing was happening.

But I could feel my blood boil, If stares could kill, they'd be a bloody mess right now, I gripped my glass tighter trying not to focus on them.

I wished so bad, so bad that I was in her place, I missed it so much, I missed all of the memories we made, I never knew I could love someone so much until I met him.

Bruno gave me his paw, I thought it would make me feel better, maybe okay even, but it didn't, all I felt was extreme amount of jealousy.

If things weren't bad enough, they ended up in the room, sharing a wall with where I sat and I could clearly hear them. I tightened my fists, not knowing what to do

They moaned out loud and I could hear it all irrespective of the loud ass music playing. I was completely silent, seeing how quickly he moved on.

I was feeling so cold and I didn't know how much I was hurting at this point, the pain started to resonate in my heart, making me bite my lips as I tried to fight it.

Why should I care for someone that left me? Why shiuld I give up on myself for someone that hurt me many times? The only answer I had was because I loved him.

I loved him way too much, I loved him enough to let go of everything else, I loved him enough to ignore every pain he's been causing me.

I loved him enough to hurt myself, I loved him enough to suffer in hell for an eternity in return for a simple smile of his, tears started falling but I wuickly wiped them.

I hated it so much, I hated my ability, I hated that I cared so much, I hated that I let him hurt me, But no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't do one thing.

I couldn't hate myself for loving him, I just couldn't stop loving him, I wanted to but it was so hard, it's been a month and I still miss everything.

His cuddles, his sloppy kisses when he gets jealous of the guys that talk to him, his cute smile whenever I say that I love him.

I missed it so much, I missed sneaking into his house and stargazing on his terrace as we tried not to wake his parents up.

I missed kissing him on the mountain on our hike as we enjoyed the sunrise together.

I missed crying in his arms as he slowly sang to me comfortingly and patted my head.

I missed kissing him as he slept in my arms, conpletely tired from dancing and working all day.

I missed his cute conplaints whenever he gets seeved really spicy food at a restaurant, and the way his lips turned bright red at the food.

I missed the way I laughed out loud at his cuteness, I missed his responses whenever I called him honey bear or babyboo.

I missed everything, it made me emotionally weak and exhausted, I didn't want to feel like this but I knew there was nothing I can do.

As I went down memory lane, I didn't realise the door opened, taehyung and the girl walked out, all giggly and their cheeks red from drinking.

His neck was full of hickeys making me tighten my fists harder, but he didn't notice, instead he pulled her close to him and started kissing her lips.

She smiled into the kiss before sitting beside me, completely ignoring my presence on the couch. I just sat there wordlessly, watching them kiss, and letting them rip my heart into shreds.

" Why are you so cute babyboo? " She asked him, holding his cheeks in her hands as she nuzzled her nose with his.

I lost it at that point and I let the tears fall, hearing the word come out from some other girl's mouth hurt a lot.

What hurt me more was that he actually responded to it, I downed the entire beer glass and wiped the corners of my mouth angrily.

Soon, I let the tears fall, ignoring everything as I started to sob loudly.
" I FUCKING HATE MYSELF. " I screamed, throwing the glass onto the floor, hearing it break.

I then ran outside, ignoring all of the crazy looks at me and got inside my car, driving off to an unknown and undecided place.

The glass broke hard, but my heart was shattered with so much more force, and I knew there wasn't anything that could help me.

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