Sleepovers - ot-7

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Sleepovers with them- Ot7

-wearing fluffy pink onesies
-face masks are a must
-he tries to do your hair
-lots of jokes and snuggles.
-"You're my little baby"

-plays relaxing music
-Turns up the AC because he's too shy to ask
-Is the little spoon
-relaxing time in the bath
-"wow we should do more of these"

-lays down on your lap
-smiles and talks about our day.
-playing with plushies like kids
-giving each other manicures
-"Can I paint your nails too?"

-both of you try to cook but almost set the kitchen on fire
-lots of cuddles and deep talks
-kisses your forehead after you sleep
-conspiracy theories at 3 am
-"You're so cute"

-drinking soju
-wrapped up in blankets
-pouts when he doesn't get enough attention
-taking lots of selcas
-"You smell so sweet"

-dressing each other up
-cuddles with yeontan or painting.
-ends up watching Spongebob on TV instead of a movie
-lies on top of you
-"your boobs are so soft, like pillows"

-frantically having a ramen competition
-plays overwatch
-pillow fights or blanket forts
-ends up eating icecreams
-"do you wanna see who can hold a handstand for longer?"

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