Consort- yoongi

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Picking you as his consort- min yoongi.

I was carrying a basket filled with some rice and kimchi for my brother and father. As I walked to the farm, I slowly looked at the peach blossoms that started to ripen, the first flower fell right on my lips as I smiled an looked through the beautiful scenery. 1570, this was the best year anyone could ever live in, as the crisp and cold wind blew, making my hair fly, I smiled and walked till I reached my dad's farm.

But the sight that frightened a girl's heart was going on, the xiuli troop soldiers were talking to my family, my dad was kneeling, afraid that if he stood up our family would be considered rebels. I really hated having a king, why can't people be free? Why does anyone need a king to rule over them, but my father never let me speak that way, I quickened my pace and kneeled to the soldiers, I was not supposed to care if my clothes would be dirty, just kneeling without any hesitation was a strict order from my dad.

" Looks like you do have a daughter, Feng Shui, so you know the consequences of lying?" the man in the heavy armor asked.
"General dam, I dare not." my dad bowed again.
" Dare not? I'm taking her with me." The general who was supposedly general dam held my arm as he slowly dragged me away.

" Where are you taking my sister?" my younger brother was impulsive, I glared at him as the general sneered and put me in their carriage.

" General dam, may I ask you why you're taking me?" I tried to get answers. He sneered but finally spoke up.
" Our majesty needs more maids." he said making me speechless. Was I really going to have to work with the greatest emperor, min yoongi that I actually hate?

I just kept worrying about what situation I was going to be in, soon a lady came and took me and a few other girls inside the palace. After all of us were in a room, we looked around to see a pool with hot water and rose petals and hanbok made of silk lying on a table with makeup and creams.

" You girls, make yourselves ready, the master is supposed to pick the maidservant of bedchamber, you might even become his consort," she said like a gossipy aunt making the girls squeal in delight, all of them hurried over, while I stood there silently, not knowing what to do. The lady helped me fo everything while I stood there like a puppet, soon, we were taken to a large hall, I noticed a man sitting on a chair with a golden cup in his hands, his dainty fingers were holding the cup while his other hand was lying on the table, as soon as I saw his face, I noticed a scar near his eye, I frowned, could he be a prince? But seeing everyone bow to him and call him majesty, I realize how wrong I was.

I knew I needed to kneel but somehow I stood there in shock, the man looked so handsome in real life, even with a scar, his royal features could never be hidden, his presence made one's mind be sharp and alert, this was truly a king's air.
Soon  a guard standing beside him hit my calf with his hilt, making me fall on my knees losing the balance I had, and before he could do anything else, he was stopped by the king.

" All of you get out, except her" he said in a deep voice that sent shivers through my spine. The people could not help but sigh in defeat as they stood up ready to go out and obey. The king revealed a devilish smile as he signalled for me to get closer.

I don't know why but my body automatically moved towards him, he took my hand and made me sit on his lap playing with my hair while I was shocked as hell.

" What's your name?" he asked touching my face, observing me.
" I'm fen- Feng y/n, your majesty" I stuttered nervously.
" Mmh, y/n, that's a beautiful name, for a beautiful person."  he said slowly touching my cheek sending tingles everywhere. Somehow it didnt feel weird, it didn't feel unsafe, it felt completely normal.
" y/n, don't call me your majesty, but I'd prefer it if you called me husband" he smiled, the cold demeanour disappeared, evolving into a cute and lively human.
" B-but we don't l-love each other" I was a little nervous at his sudden thoughts.
" We can love each other after marriage." he said smiling.

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