First words - namjoon

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Baby's first words- kim namjoon

Youngjae and namjoon were playing in the garden, I was sitting down on the dining table and peeling some apples to feed youngjae.
" Namjoon-ah, bring him inside after 10 minutes okay?" I reminded him.
" Yeah baby, I will be careful while peeling the apples okay?" he reminded me. I smiled and nodded at him while he picked our son up and started showing him the stars and the moon while hugging him.

That sight made my heart warm and I felt a happy smile come right onto my face, I secretly snapped a few photos for myself and peeled another apple slowly cutting it into pieces.

Namjoon was kissing youngjae on the forehead and holding him close, being the best dad I ever saw. He smiled and rocked youngjae lightly in his arms as if he was afraid to hurt him if he held him too tight.

That was the moment that made me fall deeper for him. Marrying namjoon and having a baby with him were the best decisions I ever made. I looked at him with my heart filled with love. Everytime I thought I could not love him more, I end up proving myself wrong, I love him more and more by the days that pass.

He stepped inside and handed me his phone with a smile showing his baby like dimples, I touched them and he gave me a smile wider than before.

" Y/n can you help me take more photos with youngjae please?" he asked, I knew I could never say no, how could I? The man that was standing before me was my everything, I nodded and stood up to get a better angle.

He put youngjae in front of him and kissed his forehead while both of them closed their eyes, The picture made me feel so good that I jumped in excitement. He took more pictures in different poses and soon youngjae held onto his dad's shirt and kissed his chin.

Namjoon became so happy, a tear ran down his eye while he turned towards me and smiled happily.

" Y/n look, he grabbed my chin" he was so excited and smiling a lot.
" Young jae-ah, kiss daddy" I told him holding his hand and mimicking it to him while slowly kissing namjoon on the cheek
The one year old little guy seemed to understand as he slowly held onto namjoon's collar tightly and put his lips on namjoon's dimples, licking them.

" Haha, thank you baby, you're so smart" namjoon smiled and kisses youngjae happily again and again while he giggled continuously

" So happy today aren't we?" I said giggling. Youngjae smiled and laughed making that cute baby sound resonate deeply in both of our hearts.

" I can't believe how I can love someone this much, Our parents must've been like this when we were babies too" namjoon chuckled and sat down in the chair beside me and took a piece of apple slowly putting it near youngjae's mouth.

The little guy licked it happily and slowly bit on it with two of his teeth and continued nibbling, I smiled and kisses namjoon lightly before rubbing the little guy's forehead. I got up and threw the peel into trash and cleaned the knife before coming back to the dining room and grabbing a piece for myself.

" Do you want more baby?" he asked, I smiled at him while he put a piece of apple right in front of my mouth.
" I was asking you y/n, open up" he said sweetly putting it in my mouth.
" Does my little baby want one too?" he asked youngjae, he slowly looked at his dad with the softest eyes ever making one's heart race and give the extreme urge to protect and dote on them endlessly.

" Haha, here, eat up" I placed a small piece on his lip while he slowly nibbled on it sucking it. Smiling, namjoon and I took selfies together with the baby smiling at us happily.

I looked at my phone and searched for pictures to tweet, but I suddenly heard a childish voice mumble something.

"D-da-da" youngjae made the sound immediately grabbing the attention of namjoon and I.

Both of us excitedly turned to look at him while the innocent one sucked on his finger holding onto namjoon's shirt tightly.

"Wha-what did you say?" I was shocked since I never heard him utter words before, he always made little noises but never tried saying something.

" Baby can you say it again? S-say dada?" namjoon looked at him with puppy eyes holding him carefully in his lap.

I took out my phone and started recording, the little guy looked at me and turned his attention to joon, slowly tilting his head upwards and looking at the man curiously with big doe eyes.

" Baby, say it again, say dada" I said the little guy moved closer to joon's chest and buried himself into his arms.

" Da-Dada" he whimpered making us smile in delight. I stopped recording and put it down immediately and kisses the baby's forehead.

" Joon, baby, he is calling you" I said wiping the tear that fell out of his right eye, he immediately burst into a smile and kisses youngjae.

" You're so smart baby, You said dada, dada is your first word" joon said grinning wide.
" Yes, You chose right baby, dada loves you so much" I said kissing joon's temples.

" Mama loves you too, you're our soft tofu bear, mommy and daddy love you so much" joon whispered lightly pulling me into a side hug.

" I never knew having our own kid could make me this happy, I can't believe that you made this miracle" joon said holding me.

" We made it together, baby without you it would be hard for me" I smiled.

" But I'm never outting you through the pain of labor ever again,I don't want to see you in pain ever" he said feeling guilty.

" B-but I wan't more-" I was interrupted.
" No, You are not going through 9 months of torture and the lain of labor ever again." he said firmly.

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