Saying ily - kook

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I was walking to the park holding my phone and looking at jungkook's messages, he told me he had something to say and asked me to go there as quick as I could.

I wondered what he had to tell me that was so important, he literally wanted me to sneak out at 2 am, I couldn't waste time so I just walked out in my silk nightgown and the overcoat I had on.

I could see him fiddling with his fingers while he tapped his feet impatiently, sitting on the swing and trying to make his hair look good.

" Kookie? " I tapped the back of his shoulder making him shake a little. He looked surprised but he soon regained his composure.

" Why'd you have to scare me like that? " He said after holding onto the swing for support.

" I'm sorry, You said you had something to say to me? " I said trying to pull my coat properly to cover myself. I realized that my nightgown was barely covering anything.

" Well um, it's kinda- " He sighed, looking annoyed at himself. He just sat back down on the swing and held his head in frustration.

" Kook? Are you okay? Did something happen? " I was a little worried, the confident boy that was smiling showing off his pearly whites was actually shy.

" I'm fine ba- " he stopped himself, he was probably going to call me babe and somehow the fact that he stopped himself made me kinda disappointed.

" Look I really do have something to say, but I think you- " He shook his head.

I took his hands in mine and smiled. The wind was blowing strong and cold, making me shiver a little.

" Jungkook, You can tell me anything. Anything. " I emphasized and rubbed the back of his hands.

" Y/n it's not easy to say tho- " He looked nervous and bit his inner cheek nervously.

" Well then take your time. " I said and slowly started moving on the swing.

We just sat there enjoying each other's company in the bright moonlight. It wasn't warm and the coat I managed to put on didn't do much in keeping me warm.

" So you know how we've been friends for two years now? " He started, looking at the pile of sand laying in front of us.

" Mhm, You're my best friend " I replied smiling lightly while I looked at his perfectly fluffy hair.

" Yeah, so to say it quickly, I caught feelings- for you? Yeah, I have feelings for you y/n. " he said.

I didn't know if this was a prank or if it was actually serious and he was confessing to me.

" Jungkook I- " he interrupted me by placing a finger on my lips.

" I actually wanted to ask you out when we first met. But I thought we were better as friends, but soon you started consuming my thoughts, Everything I did, it reminded me of you " he said.

This time, I didn't wanna interrupt him and actually listen.

" I didn't realise, but jin hyung told me I was actually starting to feel things for you, and I realized he knew me so well, he couldn't be wrong. I was actually not gonna confess, but it's been like what- " he suddenly stopped before continuing.

" Its been a year and a half and jin hyung was sick of me climbing into his bed and crying- " I frowned suddenly.

" Wasn't supposed to tell you about the crying part but yeah, I have feelings for you y/n. " My heart waited for him to say it.

" I love you y/n," he said, turning to look at my face confidently this time.

I didn't find any words to represent the feelings I was feeling.

Maybe it was surprising, or shock. I had always liked him but I just wasn't brave enough to confess.

He was the first man that took my breath away with his actions. I never knew there would be a day where I would be flustered and shy.

He looked back at the floor and faced me again.

" I love you y/n. I can't stop doing so. " He said loud and clear.

" I love you too jungkook." it wasn't me, it was my heart that was responding to him.

Saying it back felt like a thousand shots of serotonin.

He stood up and enveloped me in a tight hug, warming me up instantly with his warm body.

" Jungkook I'm cold. " I grinned at him. He frowned before trying to take his sweatshirt off.

I stopped him and pecked him on the lips.
" Kiss me, you idiot. " I laughed at him before holding him tight.

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly before pressing his lips on mine, and the cold wind that bothered me didnt seem to exist in his arms.

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