Never meant for me- jimin

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Never meant for me~ park jimin

I looked at the blue sky, the sun shined bright onto my face making it hard to see properly, I smiled to myself slowly holding the positive pregnancy test and the presents I'd bought for jimin. I smiled while touching my lower abdomen and blushed.

" Where is he?" I muttered to myself looking at my phone and checking the time again and again. I decided to call him since it started getting dark.

" Hello jiminie, where are you, baby?" I asked.

" I'm stuck in traffic baby, I'll be there in two minutes okay?" he said.

" Mmh, drive safely, I'll hang up now."  I said and cut the call, I saw the text from my friend.

I just smiled and sent hearts while I sat on the swing slowly enjoying the cool breeze.
I saw that it was getting really really late so I decided to text jimin to come directly to the bus stop nearby.

I walked towards the bus stop getting out of the park where we met, I smiled and walked around admiring the view of the bright night sky full of life, the cold breeze made me hug myself and rub my palms together. I finally reached the stop and saw everything, Amelie did, she put in a lot of effort and I could feel the blush.

" Y/n?" I heard his voice behind me making a rush of warmth rush through my cold body, I could feel the euphoria rushing in.

" You're here"  I smiled. He nodded and walked towards me while taking his long coat off and putting it on me. Suddenly, a bright light was turned on, I smiled knowingly while jimin was shocked.

I took his hand and slowly moved towards the bus stop, filled with fairy lights and posters all around, even a photo of jimin saying best dad, on them, he was confused and tears slowly formed in his eyes, threatening to fall down any moment.

I just made him sit down and pulled out the purple gift box. He looked at me curiously.

" Open it." I said while I took a tissue and wiped the corners of his eyes. He chuckled and wiped them properly and giggled happily opening the box. Seeing the positive sign on the test, he let out a smile in happiness while the tears fell again.

" is it t-true?" he asked me holding my hand while he looked around.

" yes, jimin you're gonna be a dad" I placed his hands on my abdomen.

"it's been three months" I continued while he pulled me in for a kiss and hugged me tightly.

" Let's go celebrate with the boys?"  he suggested. I nodded and smiled while he rubbed my head and pulled his phone out to call them. He walked with my hand in his to the other side of the road, I felt the gift box dropping down so, I pulled ny hand out of his to bend down and pick it up.

I felt a bright light fall on my face from the right side and when I turned to look, I saw a car coming toward me with full speed while honking.
" MOVE MY BRAKES ARENT WORKING" the driver yelled but I was too late. I felt the cold metal hit my face breaking my jaw and it made blood come out of my mouth.

Jimin looked shocked and I saw his tears of joy turn into extreme shock and sadness. He ran towards me while I pushed him with my left hand taking the hit.

The driver still moved in full speed and went off the road continuously off into the distance. I heard jimin's screams echo.

" Y/N!" he wailed while taking my blood coated body into his arms. I touched my head and felt the blood come out of my ears, and I knew I was done and had almost no time left. He shuffled with his phone anxiously dialing the hospital.

" Jimin I l-love you, promise me you'll move on." I held my pinky out.

" No don't say that, please" he begged.

I kissed his forehead and felt my mind go blank, the only things I felt before the darkness was jimin's tears on my cheek,
his kiss on my lips and my body going lifeless.

" 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔪𝔶 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔢, 𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔢, 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔡𝔬 ℑ 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔫𝔬𝔴?"

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