Proposal - jin

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The proposal~ kim seok jin.

I was sitting down at the bus station waiting for the bus, such a tiring day at the gallery and extra work on top of that made me sigh in frustration.  Soon the bus arrived and I boarded it in frustration, I slowly walked to the last seat and sat down plugging my earphones in and played some sad songs while looking out at the dark sky, the moon was out now, shaped like a crescent while surrounded by beautiful stars. I sighed, I could have enjoyed this day with seokjin, but my stupid boss gave me all this work, just because of the stupid lockdown that they announced yesterday.
I looked at the documents in my hand and went through them and tried to get everything done before I reached home, Seokjin would be waiting for me so I didn't wanna disappoint him. Just before reaching my stop, I successfully finished the 30-page contract and other bills. I smiled knowing that I could now rest till Monday.

I got down and started walking towards my street, I stopped by the grocery store and shuffled through to get some jellies for jin, since he was going to be home now, I decided to buy a lot, and I walked home after that.

Entering the passcode, I opened the door, and took my shoes off revealing blisters from standing for 10 hours in heels, I sighed but soon noticed that the house was very dimly lit, the path was decorated with candles and rose petals, I smiled and slowly walked towards the hall, soon I felt a balloon hit my face, I sighed and took it into my hands, it read "pop me!" he is such a prankster.  I whispered to myself and popped it, in the huge balloon filled with confetti, I found a note, I opened it and saw what he wrote.
" Hungry, aren't we? Go grab that snickers in the fridge" it read, I decided to put everything in my arms on the sofa, I opened the fridge and took the snickers, he now asked me to go to the backyard.

I smiled and noticed that the backyard was decorated completely with fairy lights and candles with a table set up with tons of food. And there stood namjoon, hoseok, yoongi, tae, jimin and jungkook holding placards saying " will you marry me ??".

I was surprised, but jin came out and hugged me tightly placing a kiss on my forehead. He smiled and patted my head while I was trying to process everything.

" Mickey, baby, we have been dating for almost 2 years now, you mean a lot to me mickeu, the way you are always there for me, makes me so happy and feel loved. I know we were best friends but we didnt notice when we fell for each other, hell I didnt notice it till you acted jealous when I hooked up with Carly, and I got jealous when you were with vincent too, I realized that you were the person I loved most in this world, you make me feel special, I know this sounds cliche but I decided it, you are the woman I want to spend my life with, I wanna grow old with you, and carry you to places on my back till I cant walk anymore, So Mickey, will you marry me?" he asked and got down on one knee opening the little pink box to reveal a pink diamond ring.
" Seokjinnie I-" I trailed off while wiping happy tears.
" Just say yes baby" he begged and looked at me, I nodded while the boys started to scream and go crazy while he put the ring on my finger.

" Thank you for being so nice to me seokjinnie, I'm so happy" I smiled kissing his lips.
" You should be, you're marrying worldwide handsome" he gave one of his windshield wiper laughs and took the go pro from hoseok.

" ARMY SHE SAID YES" he screamed happily and talked to them on the live.

" ARMY, me and jin are so happy to share this beautiful moment with you, since it's the lockdown, you guys stay safe okay?" I said to them while they kept spamming with purple hearts.

We smiled and answered their questions happily and soon ended the vlive with a kiss and happy smiles from all of us.

" Hyung can we eat now?" jimin whined hungrily.
Jin nodded and we sat down to dig into the food.

"How long did it take to set it all up?" I asked while I chewed on hotteok.

" We started at like 3pm but namjoon hyung broke the lighter so we had to buy a new one" taehyung slurped on some ramen.

" Geniuses dont need eye-hand co-ordination okay?" namjoon was embarrassed.

" I was so tired today you know, My boss was killing me" I sighed taking a piece of tonkatsu.

" Um, Sorry about that, jin hyung asked me to keep you busy and I didn't know what to do so I called your boss-" hobi said chuckling.

" Yah you could've just asked her to go dancing with you" yoongi laughed while he took a sip of wine.

" Guys, this old balloon is finally got engaged" with that jungkook earned a slap on the back of his forehead from jin.

" I mean yeah, Jin you're old" I teased him.

" Mickey did you forget that you and I are of the same age?" jin reminded, I speechlessly slurped my ramen while they laughed.

" IQ 169 they said." yoongi said while I choked on the ramen.

" Why did you suddenly decide to propose tho?" taehyung asked jin while he passed me water.

" She wanted me to put a ring on her finger." he said while I spit the water ou of my mouth.

" You saw my chat with gabs and prathibha didn't you?" I asked him.

" Maybe." he kissed my forehead and continued eating the food.

The night was spent in happy and endless chatter with the boys.

HoE hE FiNaLLy pRopOsED aRe YOu hApPy nOw? @bang.txnfics__

" 𝙸𝚏 𝚊 𝚑𝚞𝚐 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛" - 𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚢𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜

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