Barista-kim namjoon

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I was walking on the pavement, snow falling onto my eyelashes, making my vision a little blurry as I rubbed my hands together to get warmer.

the road was almost covered in snow and the pavement was worse, snow filled my sight completely, looking exactly like a white heaven.

Smiling, I took my phone out and clicked photos of the beautiful place to post on my blog, my hands were freezing.

before I realized, people started going back home, but a bunch of kids were playing in the park, laughing blissfully.

I put my phone back in my pocket as I walked through continuously, maybe I should just walk all night? It was getting really cold and my skin was so dry and my lips were chapped.

I just decided to keep going, finally, I sat on an empty bench and rested my tired legs.

just across the street, I saw a coffee shop that caught my eyes, it glowed brightly in this night sky and the snowfall, looking warm.

Should I get a cup of coffee? Or should I just go home? I really wanted something to warm me up so I decided to go in.

what caught my eye was the sign they had, the name of the shop, spring day, it seemed a little weird but had a comforting feeling at the same time.

I entered the shop and found that it almost felt like home, the chairs were fluffy and pink, matching the baby pink walls perfectly and the fairy lights that were hung around the shop I wanted to take pictures but decided to just enjoy this view and keep it in my memory.

I sat down at the nearest empty table and looked at the menu, after reading it, I just wanted to have hot chocolate.

so I stood up and walked to the cash counter, wanting to put my order in. I saw the man standing there, wearing a white shirt and black pants, his brown hair barely covering his forehead.

His collarbones were exposed and he had a smile on his face, showing off his extremely adorable dimples, I never thought that I could see a man so beautiful and handsome in my entire life.

" mam, your order? " he asked, pulling me out of my trance, I looked at him confused, but he didn't get annoyed and repeated himself again.

" I'll have a hot chocolate and two vanilla muffins " I said, handing out my card, I watched him swipe it and somehow I found him so endearing, his every action made a person want to swoon over him.

He seemed perfect in everything, the way he walked, his eyes, his passion while he made the simplest drink possible, he made the hot chocolate look so exquisite and expensive, his hands were slender, looking absolutely perfect.

I wanted so badly to look at him, but I was probably behaving like a creep, so I decided to go back to the table and drink my hot chocolate and let him be at peace.

After going back to my seat, I realized no one was in the shop and it was just me.
It was probably closing time, but I probably walked in before he could actually close the shop, I sighed, feeling sorry, he was making two shots of espresso and just when I thought he was a pro, he accidentally misplaced the cup, letting the freshly brewed espresso go to waste.

I laughed at his silliness, but soon, karma hit me as I accidentally knocked one of my muffin down, he chuckled at my clumsiness and held a cup of espresso, he made a simple latte and walked over to me.

" would you mind if I sat there? " he asked, pointing to the fluffy chair in front of me, I nodded and smiled shyly.

" I'm sorry I walked in at this time, you were probably closing right? " I asked eating the remaining muffin and sipping on the hot chocolate, it warmed me up quickly and tasted delicious.

" I wasn't closing anyway, it's fine uh- " he trailed off, and held the back of his head awkwardly and gave me a smile.

" I'm Y/n, haha " I laughed smiling at him.

" I'm namjoon and no, you weren't a problem haha " he smiled. So he was namjoon, I found myself liking him more and more as we spoke continuously.

Maybe it was a good idea to keep walking even after I was supposed to go home.

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