Fainting- jin

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Fainting backstage

I smiled sitting on the sofa backstage that the staff arranged for me, it was hard to stand up for a long time since I was pregnant. I smiled at jin who was now getting ready for his solo stage for an epiphany, one of my favourite songs, I cheered for him inside and as an ARMY myself I felt pretty happy seeing him look so amazing for the performance.

My heart thudded continuously and soon sejin called him to go up since it was time, I smiled and stood up to see their performance, but someone suggested for me to go to the staff in front of the stage, I smiled and put a mask on hoping no one can recognize me. As I moved there, someone touched my shoulder.

" Hey y/n is that you?" a fan asked making me stand up straight and shocked.
" Um I-" she interrupted me and patted my back.
" It's okay I can keep it a secret" she smiled and signalled for me to go on.
I mouthed a thank you and looked at jin lovingly.

He finally started playing the piano and started singing making my heart and the other 90,000 hearts flutter at a quick glance at his worldwide handsome face.
But I soon noticed he was sweating unusually, and his face looked like he was in pain and I could sense that he hid it a lot. But I knew that he couldn't hide it from me, soon I don't know what I was feeling, a sharp pain was in my chest but I ignored it and I felt sad seeing him perform with such difficulty.

Soon he ended the performance and made it to the backstage, I ran back there to see if he was okay, he was sweating a lot and he sat on the sofa, I went to him and gave him a bottle of cold water to help him feel refreshed.

" Drink this babe and turn, let me massage you" I said while he drank it obediently. I felt that his body was burning and soon I felt him go weak and he ffell on my lap, I realized that he fainted. All I could feel was extreme worry while I screamed for help.

" Someone come here!" I took the oxygen mask from the assistant and put it to his mouth while I wiped his forehead with a wet towel, soon I took off all of the accessories he had on and unbuttoned his shirt allowing him to breathe properly.

He opened his eyes and looked at me and held my hand trying to get up.
" No! You're not getting  up, lay down now" I warned him. He smiled weakly and laid back down.

" Hyung it's okay just lay down we can take care of the rest okay there's just two songs left" yoongi who just finished seesaw told jin while the other members helped him sit up properly.

Jungkook massaged his legs while I massaged his back and feeling his tense muscles, my heart ached for him, seeing how he put so much effort.
Soon, I felt his body shaking and saw that he was crying, tears ran down continuously out of his eyes, I sighed and took a tissue wiping them and kissed his lips lightly.

" Jin it's not your fault baby" I said knowing exactly why his tears fell.
" Hyung let y/n take care of you please, ARMY will understand, they love you so much, how can theg ever blame you?" jimin comforted while namjoon patted his back.
" ARMY will be worried if you perform like this hyung, take rest please" Tae mentioned making jin feel a little better.

" Guys go, I can handle it, the song will start soon" I assured them, they nodded and left one by one taking a last look at their hyung.
I made jin turn to face me and wiped his tears kissing his cheeks.
" You wanted to perform for ARMY right?" I asked him.
" yeah, now I'm afraid that I'm not good enough, they wasted their time to watch us" he said.

" No jin, baby listen to me, you know that ARMY loves you right? You're their worldwide handsome Oppa, aren't you? How worried would they be if they saw you not taking care of yourself? How guilty would they feel to see you do all of this baby?" I asked him.

" I- I know but I feel like I disappointed them," he said. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his neck making sure he will relax in my embrace.

" Baby I'm saying this as an ARMY, I don't care if you don't perform, and my heart hurts to see you sick, I want you to rest well and stay healthy, so dont blame yourself baby" I told him hoping he would accept it, I took some red ginseng juice and gave it to him making sure he will drink it. After he took it, I gave him medicines to relieve his fever and some medicine for his muscle pains.

" Rest here okay? We can leave after the boys are done" I said.

" Can I go for the speech please?" he gave me doll eyes.

" Okay but you're not gonna leave hoseok, I am gonna ask him to support you." I said while putting his mic on and giving him some hot water to relieve his throat.

" What would I ever do without you baby?" he smiled and kissed my lips.

- " 𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜, 𝓊𝓃𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎" ~𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓎𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓈

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