Finding out you're a replacement- yoongi

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I was sitting on the sofa in the practice room, watching yoongi and the boys practice hard for the online concert.

My heart ached seeing them work so hard, but it was for ARMY's So I couldn't say anything about it.

After the song ended, yoongi came to the sofa, I stood up and gave him a bright smile, but I was ignored, he picked his phone up and checked it quickly, as if something happened.

I shrugged it off and gave him the bottle of chilled water, so he could take a little sip. Wordlessly, he took it and drank about 4 gulps, putting it down and walking to a corner with the bottle.

" Y/n don't be worried, it's just that Leslie texted him, he will be fine soon." Jimin patted my shoulder.

" Leslie? His ex?" I was kinda taken aback, he shouldn't have reacted this much if it was his ex right? But I chose to ignore it.

Hoseok walked towards him, passing yoongi a bottle of water which was quickly emptied by yoongi.

" Yoongi hyung? What are you doing?" Taehyung walked to him, putting a shoulder around him.

Yoongi was just quiet, leaving both tae and hoseok quietly sigh looking at each other.

" Y/n I think he's just kinda worried, so maybe give him time, don't worry okay" Jungkook smiled, patting my head.

I just smiled at him and nodded my head, I didn't know why but I always felt weird whenever they talked about his ex.

It's probably my insecurity but I just couldm't get rid of that weird feeling I always got.

Jin frowned after seeing yoongi and opened his phone, scrolling through it to distract himself.

" Hyung no, don't-" hoseok said before covering his mouth. Taehyung looked at me with a sad gaze before pushing yoongi.

" Guys can you please give us a minute?" namjoon said to the staff, making them go away quickly sighing.

" What's wrong? Why did you send them away?" Yoongi finally spoke up, looking at namjoon.

Hoseok looked at yoongi angrily as tae tightened his fists, looking completely angry like I've never seen him before.


The words that came out of his mouth made a small tear fall out of my left eye. I realized something, making another tear fall.

" Guys calm down! What is happening yoongi hyung? Why is taehyung saying that?" Namjoon and jungkook looked confused.

Yoongi was standing there guiltily, Jin was standing there, perplexed.
" Leslie wanted to get back together. He said yes."

Hoseok who was calm spoke up, making my spine straight at what he said.

" Yoongi is it true?" I asked hoping it was not, I hoped so much that it wasn't but, taehyung wouldnt scream like that.

" I-, I'm sorry y/n, it is true, I'm sorry" the words that came out of yoongi's mouth made jungkook go still and the cup fell down from jin's hand, shattering on the floor.

" D-do you still love her?" I asked him, using up my strength. Tae looked at me, his eyes red.

" I- I don't wanna h-hurt you-" yoongi stuttered, seeing his eyes filled with guilt proved that he did.

" Tell her the truth yoongi." Jin who was silent this whole time finally spoke up, with a questioning tone.

" It's okay, he doesnt need to answer me. I can tell. I just hope you're happy with her yoongi, stay happy" I wiped my tears as I slowly walked away.

The voices that called out my name loudly were now inaudible to me, I couldn't hear anything as I walked out and sat on the porch.

" Y/n you're here! Ahh come here!" taehyung followed by jungkook and jimin were here, coming and enveloping me in a tight hug.

" I-is he okay?" I asked, taking a deep breath, still in taehyung's arms while jimin held my hand.

" Y/n the hyungs are talking to him, you should worry about yourself-" jungkook sighed looking at me.

" yeah, If he wasn't my hyung I would've killed him." taehyung said, holding me tightly.

" That's sweet tae, but it's not his fault, no one can force love." I smiled at them ruffling tae's head.

" Mmh but you love him, will you be okay?" Jungkook asked looking worried, while he bit his inner cheek.

" She will be, we will be with her, and Time may not always heal wounds, but it can try" Jimin smiled as patted jungkook.

" So what was that about the replacement? Also don't hise it from me, I heard it." I said hoping to hear the truth.

" Um, well you look a lot like Leslie, and behave like her, but we just didn't think much about it, but I realized later.." tae spoke.

" So, I was a replacement. Just a replacement, not a good one at that" I laughed as I felt my heart shatter.

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