Aesthete - jungkook

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Aesthete: (n.) someone with a deep sensitivity to the beauty of nature or art.

I was sitting on the empty couch in the lobby, looking through the remaining documents I had to finish reading, I sighed as I put them down.

" Y/n what are you doing?" A very tired and frustrated jungkook dressed in all black walked out, with his hands holding his long luscious locks out of frustration.

" Um I was working on the documents for the new client-" I said smiling and moving them to create space for jungkook to sit down.

" About the new client- I can't find inspiration, I've tried looking at photos of girls online, but all of them are too vulgar, I don't know what I'm supposed to do-" he said, seemingly angry at himself.

" Well maybe you should just sleep on it?" I smiled, it wasn't common for him to not find inspiration, soI was worried, advising him to rest was the best idea I had at the moment.

" No y/n, the client wants a particular theme, he wants innocence depicted with nudity, I can't possibly find inspiration for that-" he sighed.

" I- maybe you should watch porn?" he smiled a little and let out a laugh.

" No I'm serious, I tried all of that, but it's not working, I have an idea but- you know nevermind you'll scold me" he sighed.

I was intrigued by his behaviour, he definitely had a solution and was shy to ask something.

" Okay, I won't scold you, Just tell me, kook, this is an important client" I looked serious this time.

He was hesitant, he turned and faced me and held my hand in his palm.
" Y/n can you be my model?" he asked.

I was shocked by such a request coming from him, I knew he wasn't doing this on purpose but being a nude model for a painting was something that I'd never thought of.

" See it doesn't have to be your face, I just need to get the feeling, I can give different facial features I promise-" he started speaking quickly afraid that I would reject him.

He was my best friend and this client was way too important since he invested 50% of the funds for our new project, I knew jungkook had no choice so I slowly nodded.

" Wait you'll do it?" he stood up, showing that he was shocked from my response.
I nodded again as a confirmation.

" W-when do you wanna do it?"  I asked him gulping.
" If you're okay with it, how about right now?" he smiled.
" Uh right now?" I asked.
" Its night so sets the mood, and there's no one else at the office so it won't be awkward-" his explanation made me nod in agreement.

Soon, we went to his working area, I was starting to get nervous but I knew there was no other way to finish everything with two days.

He took out a blank canvas, theowing the old one filled with incomplete strokes away.  He looked at me and nodded, asking me to start.

I slowly took off my shirt, leaving me in a lacy bra with a pencil skirt that soon fell to the floor. I took a deep breath and let all of my clothes fall, feeling the cool breeze hit my naked body sent chills over, jungkook was shocked.

" Jungkook can you start painting?" I reminded him and laid down, facing him with a shy smile. His busy hands made strokes quickly, he was filled with inspiration.

" Wow y/n your body is perfect, your nipples, soft mounds of flesh in contrast to your defined waist and your lovely thick thighs" I coughed loudly at his description. He chuckled and smiled at me.

" My bad, I forgot you're shy" he smiled and continued painting quietly. Soon two hours passed and my body was getting sore from lying in the same position.

" Okay I'm done." He smiled and asked me to come see, I walked over and was speechless at the sight of the painting.
" t-this, i-is it really me?" I was so touched by the beauty of it, he nodded smiling.

" Jungkook I finally found the inspirat- Y/N ?" I immediately hid behind jungkook, who was frantically finding a way to explain to jimin.


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