winter bear - kim taehyung

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Snow continues to fall. Days pass. Tears keep falling. Blood flows endlessly. Heart keeps breaking. I can't believe she left me alone. All alone in this cruel world.


Yn and I were going out. I was public with our relationship, I loved her. I asked her to dress up fancily for me. I want to propose to her. She has been keeping me sane, being there for me, supporting me, making me happy and she was the hope that kept me going. I am so happy that we are finally free. All of the fans were really supportive, well except for some. I wouldn't really call them fans, because if they have a problem with me dating someone, then they were never in for the music. They all wanted to be the ones in control of me. At the end of the day, I believe that, even if the whole world hates us, it would be fine when there is that someone that loves you no matter what. Yn was that someone in my life.

I finished dressing up, I decided to go with a really nice maroon shirt and some black pants. I know that yn will love my outfit cause she said she loved it when I wore it for DNA shoot. I am standing outside the restaurant I asked her to come to.

I texted her and she told me that she was going to be here really soon. I am really nervous and I hope that she will say yes. Its been 10 minutes.

That's when I see her walking out, wearing a really beautiful white dress with full sleeves. Her long silky brown hair was curled, her face was delicately adorned with really light makeup. She looked at me with the brightest smile. I gave her my boxy smile and she slowly started walking towards me in her cute silver pumps with her Gucci purse. I can smell her Versace perfume that made me feel dreamy. I took her hand and we walked in smiling. The waitress recognized me and took us to our table. We both sat down and ordered. While we were waiting for our food, I could see some ARMY. They were really respectful of our privacy. I didn't see anyone with their cameras out in my face.

"Tae, don't you think you should go talk to them? They are really respectful of our privacy." Yn said smiling, while looking at them
. I nodded and stood up. I slowly walked to their table and hesitantly cleared my throat while they were trying so hard to not scream and hyperventilate.

"Hey, guys are you ARMY?" I asked them in my deepest tone, to try and make them happy.

They stood up and bowed to me while I bowed back.

"Yeah, but please, don't worry about us, please go enjoy your date with your girlfriend. S-sorry for disturbing you." They said.

I was really happy, this is how an idol's and fan's bond should be. I told them it was fine and asked them if they wanted photos with me. They nodded frantically but before I could take the photo they asked me one more thing which made me even happier.

" can you please ask yn to join us for the photo???"
I nodded and called yn. Both the girls and the boy stood between us. The guy whispered to me, " are you planning something hyung? " and I whispered back, " planning on proposing, do I look OK?"

He gave me a thumbs up sign and then we finished taking the photos. We then walked back to our table to see all of the food served. The waiter got us some white whine. It was a good dinner filled with talk, laughter and wine.

I finally prepared myself and proposed, of course her answer was yes. We were happy and I paid the bill and walked out. She was waiting outside for me.

I went to the parking lot and got my black Mercedes out. I slowly drove to her but, before I did, someone else did. I drove to her as quick as I can, but I ended up being too late. No, I can't lose yn. I sped up trying to catch up to them. I chased them and when a child ran in front, I had to apply the brakes. That's when I lost her.

So I drove as fast as I could to the police station and I begged them to help me. I sat in the chair and I sent a text to namjoon. All of the boys were now in the station trying to calm me down.

" we were happy hyung, I was about to take her home.. I-" I couldn't complete my sentence.
Jin hyung calmed me down while kook hugged me tightly. My tears seeped through.

That's when the officer's phone rang. He looked at me with a sad face. He hesitated to talk. I braced myself for his words.

" sir, I'm afraid yn has left us. S-she, she um, she was raped. By five  people. We, we were too late..." That was it. Those two sentences changed my world. Tears just broke through and even the boys started crying.

A police van arrived to the station,  I ran to it and when they opened the door, my heart broke. There she was, her body filled with cuts and bruises, dress ripped. I took off my coat and covered her up. I picked her up in my arms and carried her to my car.

"Tae, what are you doing? " yoongi hyung asked me.
" I'm taking her home, why are you all acting like this? " I said, wiping my tears.

"T-tae she is dead." Hobi hyung said.

"NO, SHE IS NOT DEAD! SHE CANT BE DEAD HYUNG," I screamed and my tears flowed endlessly. I couldn't stop crying. I held her cold body tightly and sobbed bitterly.

Jimin came to me and hugged me. I lost my hope, my girlfriend, my fiance, my one true love. My winter bear.

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