Querencia- taehyung

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Querencia: (n.) A place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home, where you are your most authentic self.

I was sitting in the lobby of the hospital, waiting for the nurse to come out and confirm my dad's condition. He had been hit by a car and we didn't know what was happening, my brother was busy consoling my mom while I sat here alone.
Soon, a worried taehyung came to my sight, he hugged me tightly and placed a kiss on my forehead.

" Miss kim?" the doctor walked out.
" Yes, doctor?" I stood up and walked towards her, she smiled and patted my shoulder.
" Miss Kim, at first we thought it was serious, but it seems like your father is fine, he had a lot of blood loss, so he might need to stay here for two days, so please ask your family to go home and get some sleep." the doctor smiled and left as I bowed to her, tae smiled and patted my head.

" I told you that it was gonna be fine, don't worry anymore okay?" he kissed my temple and gave me a reassuring smile.

" mmh, I'll go and tell my mom okay, go to the parking lot I'll be there" I smiled at him as he nodded.

" Okay, Ask your brother to make sure auntie sleeps" he left with that. I walked back to the lobby and sat beside my mom.

" Mom, dad's okay, we can take him home in 2 days, everything is okay, please don't worry okay? Please go and get some sleep okay? Dad is sleeping, so you guys can come back tomorrow" I smiled as I took her hand in mine.

" Really? We can take him home in two days?" her eyes were now bright. I nodded and rubbed the back of her hand. She smiled and kissed my hand.
" Okay then, I'll go home with your brother, go to taehyung" she smiled and waved me off.
" Take care of her." I told my brother and walked away.

Soon, I was in the car, sitting in the passenger's seat while tae drove both of us home.
Reaching home, I went to the bedroom, my dress was stained with blood, the smell of dried blood filled the air, I felt myself going back to the scene, I felt the blood splatter onto me again, the memory that seemed so vague was so clear now.
I tried to get a hold of myself and walked into the shower, I took my clothes off and stepped under the shower, feeling the hot water stinging my skin, draining it of its moisture.

I didn't jump, I let the hot water continue burning me, I don't know why I felt like it, soon the water turned to a lukewarm temperature, I shifted my gaze to my right, seeing a brown haired taehyung dressed in a robe controlling the temperature of the water.

He smiled and took his robe off, without saying a word, he slowly helped me bathe and wash my hair, I just stood there emotionlessly. He was very gentle with everything, after we were done, he wrapped me in a towel and took me out to the bedroom. I sat down in that towel speechlessly, he got dressed quickly and got out some moisturiser.

" Take off your towel, your skin is burnt baby" he smiled and started applying the lotion onto my body, sending a calming and cool feel that eased the burn, after treating my burnt skin, he gave me his hoodie and a pair of panties, I wore them emotionlessly and sat back fown.

He laid on the bed and pulled me close to him, laying my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back comfortingly and grabbed a tissue slowly wiping the tears that fell without knowing. After some time, I regained myself and looked at him.

" Baby, it's okay, it's really okay" taehyung kissed my lips.
" I-" I was interrupted by him.
" I know, that blood and everything, it's okay now y/n, your dad is sleeping peacefully, would the doctor lie to you? Sleep baby, you need rest." taehyung coaxed me. I nodded and smiled.

" wow you're okay now" he smiled happily, showing off his pearly white teeth, his eyes formed crescents, he hugged me tight, his strawberry fragrance gave me comfort, his slightly wet brown hair stuck to his smooth forehead, making a swirly pattern, he opened his eyes and looked at me, his eyes so full of stars, my hands caressed his smooth cheeks, putting a smile on his face, his monolid eyes gazed at me happily innocent, the mole under his eyes looked like a shining black diamond, as I touched it, I felt a sense of warmth in my heart.

He touched my hair and played with it, twirling it around his long, slender fingers while pouting with his cherry red lips that made one's imaginations run wild. He was now in my arms, his head on top of my chest, listening to my heartbeat, his hair smelled like vanilla, making me intoxicated, soon, soft snores were coming  from the person on top of me, his arms were cutely wrapped around my waist, his right leg on top of my torso while his head was resting on my bosom.

I ruffled his hair lightly and kissed him.
" Thank you taehyung, thank you for being my place of comfort, for being my querencia, I love you" I whispered before sleeping.

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