Memories- hoseok

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I was walking through the busy streets of Seoul, breathing the crisp cold air, the face that was plastered all over the posters was deeply embedded in my heart.  The man that took my breath away at first glance, the man that made me feel alive, the man that gave me something to be passionate about, the one that lit my fire, it was him, jung hoseok.
I took a deep breath and looked at the huge poster, they were celebrating their 7th anniversary now, I felt so happy for him.

I walked towards the empty bench at the park nearby and sat down on it, leaning back and enjoying the view of the harsh winters of Seoul made me feel at peace.
The trees were dried up, the leaves were now on the ground, crunching up under people's footsteps, blending into the sound of the noisy crowd, but still, I was at peace.

I closed my eyes, the memory that was so old was still so clear to me, every detail was crystal clear to my heart. I felt so serene, the cold wind that blew over my face sent chills over my body, I smiled and enjoyed that feeling, nostalgia. The details slowly started entering my mind.

I was waiting at the dance class, for my best friend to come and help me get the free scholarship, I was in dire need of it and since people told me I danced well, I decided to give it a try, but she bailed on me. I wanted to go in by myself, but I was lacking courage, time kept running out, my hands were getting impatient.

" Hey, it's so cold out here why are you waiting here?" a guy dressed in all black asked me, his eyes carried a sense of friendliness. He looked so young, pure, innocent and unaware of all the bad in the world.

" Uh I'm waiting for my friend, she told me she was gonna be here an hour ago" I smiled as I rubbed my palms together.

" In this snow? Come in and get warmed up, you'll get sick" he took my hand and guided me into the dance class.
I was shocked at brave behaviour, that was the first time any guy ever held my hand, after he let go, the skin tingled sharply and a blush made it's way to my cheeks.

" Here, have some coffee, it will warm you up" he smiled, I was wondering how he does that so naturally? Is it so easy for a person to smile? I shrugged it off and took the coffee gratefully.

Soon, a guy walked in and looked at both of us.
" Are you guys kim y/n and jung hoseok?" his tone was neutral. Both of us nodded as a reply, his hands pointed to the white door on the right side of him, as if he was asking us to go in.

I put the coffee down and slowly walked towards the door, before I opened it, I took a deep breath, bracing myself
" So y/n is your name, right? I think we have to perform together, every person that went in before was paired up." he scratched the back of his head.
" I- O-oh that's okay" I was flustered.

After entering, we were asked to dance to 'love you like a love song by Selena Gomez' it was hard to do freestyle dancing with a partner decided for you with someone else, but still we braced ourselves.

" You guys can start now" the fat man sitting on the couch started playing the song, leaving us no time to think.
Hoseok immediately pulled me close to him and started with slow steps, smooth like honey, his hands made my body move in ways it hasn't before.

Soon, I started to catch up, I looked into his eyes with a fiery gaze, dancing to every beat as if we had been practising for years, but we didn't, it naturally came to us, we fit each other's movements so well that the guy couldn't take his eyes off of us.

Hoseok smiled happily, seeing that now I had gotten the hang of it, he started going for even complicated moves, with a challenging look in his eyes, the pretty cute shy boy I saw a few minutes ago was gone. All that was standing in front of me looked like a man that was utterly in love with me, according to the song, I found myself thinking deeply so I snapped out of it.

But I forgot one thing, the way he moved, his hands made my waist turn and twist in the right time, sending waves all over, I never knew dancing would make me this happy, I never knew that I could forget all of my worries and dance happily, without a care in the world.

Both of us ended up winning the prize, we were so happy that we hugged each other tight for about 5 minutes before letting go.

" Congratulations y/n" he smiled, I nodded and repeated the same.
" So, what are you gonna use it for?" I asked.
" I wanna go to Seoul and audition for a company, how about you?" he smiled, sitting down on the empty couch, resting his body that was covered in sweat.
" my mom needs this." I smiled.
He nodded and sighed, his body was burning up and he looked so exhausted.
" I have to go, stay happy y/n" he smiled before placing a kiss on my cheek, he walked away with his bag in hand.

Seeing that boy whose passion for dance was higher than the sky achieve his dreams made me so happy, His smile didn't change at all, after going through so much pain and struggle, he still managed to keep his pure heart.

His eyes still glowed with passion, he looked like he was at home, where he belonged, with the members, I smiled to myself and sighed. The snow started falling, slowly bringing the snowflakes on top of my face.

I stared off into the distance, he is such a happy memory to me, one that fills my heart with warmth even if I'm surrounded by snow, his smile was one that melted my heart, I know I could go and meet him, but I don't wanna disturb him, will he be okay with it? i should just stay calm.
I stood up and walked to the exit of the park, suddenly, a figure caught my eye, it was a guy, his hair was brown, it glowed under the snow, bringing out his glitter highlights, his caramel skin in the cold weather made one's eyes happy, he had a smile on his face that was everlasting, he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug tightly.
" Hello y/n" hoseok smiled.

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