Wedding night - park jimin

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It was a beautiful day. The weather was perfect. Everything was like an emotional rollercoaster. Getting married to the man I love is way more emotional than I thought it would be. I definitely feel amazing to be the wife of park jimin. He is my whole world. The sweetest movements of turning from enemies to soulmates had brought happy tears to my eyes. All of the boys were really happy for him. I felt felicity rush through me as I walked down the aisle. Finally, we were on the dance floor. This incredible feeling of holding his hands and looking into his eyes made me melt literally. It had been a great day and we finally we're going to the suite that the boys specially prepared by themselves. Jimin picked me up the bridal style and took me inside the suite. A few giggles were heard from taehyung and jungkook who were now being dragged away by jin and yoongi. 
Jimin slowly put me down on the bed and slowly hovered over me. I smiled seeing his handsome face. Both of us could hear each other's heartbeats. It was really magical. It felt like butterflies in my stomach. I slowly kissed his soft lips and hugged his waist. He kissed me back slowly and softly smiling into the kiss. I love this man so much. I then stopped for a while and kissed his forehead. I slowly took his blazer off and kissed him. He deepened the kiss and his lips were amazing. His tongue begged for permission while I slowly gave it to him. Now I unbuttoned his shirt and he slowly removed the zipper of my dress to reveal his surprise. He blushed really hard which was so unlike him. He kissed my neck slowly moving to my soft spot leaving me moaning. He slowly took his pants off leaving him in his boxers with me in my lingerie. He then gave me a few more kisses before leaving me completely undressed and he started to position himself between my legs
He started off at a slow pace while kissing me and gradually increasing his speed. We moaned through our kisses and he held my hands.
I was very close to reaching my high and so was he until I felt a knot forming in my abdomen. After a few minutes, I finally came and he did too.

We slowly got untangled and he laid on the bed. I moved towards him wrapping my arms around his waist. I kissed him goodnight and fell asleep with a blissful smile.

*next morning*
I woke up to see him sleeping with his fluffy hair, making cute sleeping sounds with his arms hovering over me. I felt a smile creeping up as he slowly started to move. He slowly opened his eyes like a cute baby kitten and rubbed his eyes smiling. I looked at his eyes and found myself getting lost in them. I saw my whole world in his eyes.
He smiled at me and the first thing he said melted my heart.

" I love you y/n "

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