Making his ex jealous - yoongi

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Yoongi and I were sitting on the couch, sipping on some beer we got from the table as we ate some potato chips from the plate.
Yoongi was laughing until we heard the sounds of heels clicking.  But it was just a few drunk girls so we shrugged it off since we were best friends, our conversations flowed naturally and we didn't need anything else except for a few drinks to set us in the mood for a party. We usually sat with all the boys but all of them except yoongi chose not to attend. So the only people we actually knew was each other. We were laughing at jin's excuses to not get out of bed while yoongi suddenly became quiet. I looked at the direction of his eyes, and there she was. Yoongi's ex, Kim Yuna, dancing with the school's hot transfer student. I wondered how people who cheated could move on so easily, it was like she didn't care that she hurt someone, yoongi was biting his lip, looking a little angry.
" Want revenge? " I asked sipping my beer and smiling at him.
" How? That bitch is inhumane to have any human emotions. " he laughed, trying to comfort himself.
" You're wrong at that. People like her, they want all attention on themselves, and they don't want anyone to stop caring about them, so the best you could do is, find someone and move on, or pretend to- " I laughed at how serious I sounded, he looked at me and nodded, making me smile evilly.
" But where can I find a girl? " he asked. I pointed to myself, grinning at him.
" Are you really okay with it? " he asked again just to make sure. I nodded and threw the cup in my hands to the ground if anything, this house party needed more dancers and even though I wasn't one, I felt confident with yoongi. Yuna was dressed in her signature pink dress and silver heels, looking exactly like the brat she was. Yoongi held my hand and looked into my eyes, just to make sure I wasn't forcing myself to make him happy. I understood how he felt after being friends with him for so long.
" What are you waiting for? " I pulled his arm around my waist and looked at Yuna and as expected, she was extremely angry and dig her nails into the poor transfer student. Yoongi was surprised but he started moving his body to the rhythm of the music as I followed him.
" I didn't say it earlier, but you look beautiful tonight " he whispered into my ear, but I stayed indifferent, knowing she was watching.
" Y/n? I didn't say it for her, you look amazing in black. " yoongi clarified seeing me emotionless, it made me feel a little better but nonetheless, she didn't look like she noticed. After dancing for a decent amount of time, I pushed yoongi and pinned him to the wall, I looked into his eyes and Yuna's before planting my lips over his as he held my waist. The people in the house were hooting loudly seeing us make out. As expected, the bitch stormed out in her 6-inch heels as the transfer student chased her.
I pulled away and smiled at him. I grabbed a glass of beer and drank a few gulps but before I could finish it, yoongi took the cup out of my hands and pinned me to the wall and looked into my eyes, searching, for some fire that I didn't know was ignited in my heart. He held my chin in his palm and pulled it up, making me look into his eyes.
" Y/n, you felt something didn't you? " he asked pinning both my hands to the wall with his.
" What do you mean I felt something? " I asked smiling, he scoffed and looked into my eyes as if I was a kid that was caught doing bad things.
" You're hiding something. I can tell by that smile. " He said, grinning.
" I was just happy that I made that bitch mad. " I said, feeling proud of myself.
" So you wouldn't be mad if I did this? " he said and kissed my lips again without warning me or giving me any sign.
" No. I wouldn't. " I lied, I just didn't wanna admit to it, but ignited something in me that I didn't want to be ignited.
" Liar. I know you would. " he laughed, and it didn't sound like his usual cute kitty one, this time, it sounded so hot that it made me want to get on my knees.
He chuckled and lifted me up and started walking out as people hooted as loud as they could. I didn't care about anything as I looked into his eyes with the passion he lit up in me. He placed me in the backseat of his car, on top of his lap and closed the door and started kissing my lips hard and passionately as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back without hesitation. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was our confusion. I didn't know if I liked him, he didn't know if he liked me, but we knew we both wanted each other, badly. I unbuttoned his flannel to reveal his slightly toned body, his skin was so smooth and clean, just like a clean canvas, I bought my lips close to his neck and started biting the skin, wanting to mark him so badly as he suffered with the zipper of my dress.
" Damn, why is lace so hard to undo. " he cursed, unable to pull the zipper, I giggled before pulling it up and removing it within a quick swoop, revealing my not so presentable leopard print lingerie.
" Wow, never thought you were this wild, I never would've thought " He smirked, running his hands over my ass.
" So you've thought of me on you- " I said seductively, biting my lips.
" Yup that's it, I can't bear it anymore. " he said pulling his pants and boxers down together, revealing his rock hard balls, it must've been uncomfortable as hell.
" When did you get that hard? " I asked looking at his ginormous length, feeling myself get wetter by the second that passed.
" Since you walked in in that dress and bit your lip accidentally. Now sit on me. " he commanded before pulling my panties aside and placing his member at my entrance. He smirked and rubbed my clit as I slowly moved down, trying to take all of him in. He was too bid but damn it felt so hood, he knew where to hit the spots and when to and I felt my legs wobbly as I bounced up and down biting my lip to control my moans.
Yoongi held my cheek and whispered into my ears " Don't hold your moans back. "
I started letting them out, without giving a shit for anything or anyone in the world.
He pulled my bra down, making my tits pop out of them making him bite his lip. He held them tightly as I bounced up and down on his member, he started licking my nipples and that's when I lost it. My moans were uncontrollably loud.
" BITCH. FUCKING BITCH. " I heard yuna's screams through the indows.
" Ignore that bitch and listen to daddy. Spread your legs more. " yoongi smirked before thrusting harder.

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