Losing your baby - hoseok

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I was sitting on the couch as I texted hoseok smiling. I decided it would be better to call him since he had a 10-minute break from dance practice.
" Hello hobi " I said excitedly as I dialled him.
" Hello baby, are you okay? " He asked as soon as he heard my voice through his receiver.
" Yeah baby I'm fine dont worry about me okay, are you tired? " I asked him as I slowly took my wallet from the table .
" I am kinda tired but I will be fine after seeing you and our little hope." he said sounding happy.
" Our munchkin is honna be out in just five months to see his amazing father. " I smiled as I rubbed my abdomen.
" Oh hobi I am gonna go to thesupermarket, I have to buy us some groceries so I will be home later than you okay? Dont worry." I said to him.
" Okay y/n,  be safe okay? " I hummed in response and hung up.
Taking my car keys, and holding my walet, I left after closing the door behind me, I slowly drove to our usual supermarket and went in after taking a trolley.
Buying all kinds of goods, I paid for them and took the trolley to my car, loading the trunk with all the stuff.
" Gosh these are so heavy, I should have called ji dwi." I sighed as I put the last bag in.
My phone got a notification from instagram and I opened it as I slowly walked, the time was now 10 pm and I realized that I had come out too late.
After putting the trolley back, I walked towards the car as I felt a sudden push from behind.
" Give us all of your money, or you will die an excruciating death "  a hoarse voice of a man sounded.
" Okay okay I will, please don't hurt me." I said opening my wallet and taking out all the cash.
He took it with a scoff and let go of my arm but when he looked at me from the front, he smiled a lot.
" What m-more do you want? " I felt scared at his intense gaze.
" Wow you look ravishing honey, it's been a while since-" I stopped his sentence by slapping his cheek rough and hard.
" You're feisty huh, we will see how feisty you will be later-" he dragged my arms and lifted me up putting his palm kver my mouth, making me unable to scream.
I tried to bite his hand but a smack on my cheek shut me up and made me bleed.
Hot tears sprung to my eyes as my phone fell down on the sidewalk.
He took me to the parking lot and threw me inside his car, ripping off my dress and cardigan into shreds as I tried to resist.
It felt so bad and I wanted to hurt him but I couldn't, his hands slapped my cheeks left and right making me spit out blood, his rough hands tore my bra and panties to shreds as he rubbed me harshly making it sting everywhere, my belly started aching from the harsh behaviour as I screamed.
" Please sir  l-leave me alone I'm pregnant please " I cried out loud in pain but he kept continuing.
He unbuttoned his pants and started thrusting into me quickly as his hand choked my throat, tears fell out as I felt myself getting lightheaded. Seeing that I made no noises, he slapped me hard making me scream out loud in so much pain.
I felt a wet liquid drip down and I fou d blood all over me but the monster never stopped, I felt myself go blank as he slapped me again, making me lose all of my consciousness at once.
Soon, I opened my eyes to see I was laying on an old blanket.
" Somebody helpp " I screamed with the last ounce of strength before falling back down as I felt someone lift me up in their arms.
~Hoseok P.O.V~
I had just finished dancing and I was talking to namjoon about our new concept when I heard my phone ring, seeing it was y/n, I picked it up with a smile.
" Hello baby? " I asked, waiting to hear her honey like voice.
" uh, Is this Mr. Jung? " a crisp female voice asked me. I immediately felt a chill go down my spine.
" Yes, where is Mrs.Jung? " I asked quickly holding onto namjoon's hand for support.
" S-sir, it's complicated, but we would like for you to come to the first hospital-" the lady said before hanging up.
" Hoseok? What happened? Who was that? " jin hyung came to me and asked me.
" H-hyung w-we ha-have to go to the first hospital " I managed to muster out.
" What why? " Yoongi hyung asked me.
" Y-y/n is in there-" I said. Without javing to use any more words, all of us were in the car as jimin drove quickly sitting in the driver's seat, I was in yoongi hyung's arms while jin hyung was crying in jungkook's lap, making everyone else cry seeing the oldest one cry.
" H-hyung please don't cry, y-your sister will be okay, s-she will be-" Taehyung said as he wiped his tears furiously.
Jimin who was driving and yoongi who was co.forting me were now crying themselves.
"j-Jimin can you s-speed up? " I asked as I got a nod from him as a reply.
Soon, the hospital came into sight and all of us got down without even bothering to put our masks on, I ran to the reception and after telling them y/n's name, I got her details. All of us went to her room quickly as we saw a lady sitting outside her room.
" Are you her husband? " a nurse asked me pointing to y/n who was laying down in the ICU. I nodded as a response, she sighed and pointed me to the doctor.
" S-sir wh-what's wrong with her? " I asked as jin hyung came inside with me while the boys talked to the lady outside.
" Mr.jung, I'm afraid you need to find support-" he said, I sat down on the emty chair as I looked at him eagerly.
" Mrs.Jung was raped-" that one sentence from the doctor made me and jin hyung lose it. But what he said later made us shatter into pieces.
" Her b-baby w-was killed and she's severely injured but she woke up just now, please try to keep her calm-" the doctor continued, I had completely forgotten about the baby. Jin hyung was in a puddle of tears as we walked out.
" H-hyung I- " A teary eyed jimin came into sight, soon I noticed all of them crying profusely in the hall, Yoongi hyung held jin hyung's hand trying to calm him down but failed miserably. Who could calm us down? No one could.
~Y/n's P.O.V~
I woke up to the stench of formal dehyde, I looked around to see hoseok was there beside me.
" Y/n I-" I looked at him teary eyed as I looked at my now flat stomach, I knew exactly what had happened.
" Namjoon help him-" my hoarse voice said out loud as he walked in holding hoseok and taking him.
Hoseok's painful sobs and my endless tears came out at the same time.

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