Tinder date-kim namjoon

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I was trying to put all of the documents in the file properly. Lyra slowly walked up to me with two cups of coffee in her hands. She sat down beside me and put the coffee on my table. I couldn't help but smile at her. She is my best friend and my support.
" you're still waiting for me?" I asked her since it was time for lunch and I had a meeting.
" you told me not to but, I couldn't let you eat alone." she said and shrugged.
I chuckled and took her arms to go out and eat. I heard a ding on my phone and I picked it up to see a notification from Tinder. You've been matched with Kim namjoon. I opened his profile to see the most handsome guy. He had cute dimples and that's when I texted him. He was really confident and asked me out for dinner. I said yes after getting Lyra's approval.
*time skip*
I was now at home putting finishing touches on myself. I then took some Chanel perfume and sprayed it on myself. I then left the house with my purse and phone. I reached the Japanese restaurant in fifteen minutes.
I could see him sitting there by himself sipping on a glass of water.
He then saw me and gave me a smile that revealed his amazing dimples. I realized that I started at him when he waved his hand in front of me. I blushed because I can't help it, he is too handsome.
We then ordered some gurunavi, tonkatsu and te-Uchi soba, we then ordered some rice wine.
He kept giving compliments the entire time and I had a pretty good one for a first date.
So I took the initiative to kiss him. His lips were so soft and I couldn't help but bite them softly. He got turned on and we deepened the kiss. I could feel myself getting wet by the minute. He then broke the kiss and said to me, " let's take this somewhere else shall we?" I nodded and took him to my car.
We drove to my house and after we got in, we started making out intensely. I didn't even close the four properly before he attacked my lips with a deep and passionate kiss. His mouth was doing wonders and I couldn't help but moan into the kiss. He then slowly started kissing my neck leaving some bite marks on them. He then found my soft spot and started biting and sucking on it. He left some amazing purple hickeys and looked at them proudly. I took him to the bedroom and threw him on the bed kissing him with urgency. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his extremely toned abs. I kissed his pecs and then slowly kissed him. His hands travelled to my back and he slowly unzipped my zipper. I managed to get out of the dress and he made me lie down on the bed taking charge. He slowly moved his hands to my womanhood making me whine. I felt so empty and so needy. He decided to be nice and started fingering me making me moan louder and louder. He then slowly took my panties off and kissed my clit. I felt the tingle of cold air as he proceeded to lick me. He slowly started to eat me out and I couldn't take it anymore. I came and he slowly licked my juices.
" you're so fucking sweet y/n," he said with a deep voice that turned me on more. He then kissed me and took my bra off. He slowly started to massage my boobs and play with my now hardened nipples. He kissed them and slowly started to suck on them. I slowly unbuckled his belt and took his pants off to reveal his boner. He blushed slightly but I kissed him to make sure he was comfortable. I slowly took his boxers off and started to lick his tip. He started groaning so I decided to suck harder and I kept bobbing my head. He was letting out little soft groans and it was like music to my ear. He came in my mouth and damn he tasted so good. He then positioned himself and started thrusting in me without a warning. He was too big for me and he started to hit my G-spot right at the beginning. I couldn't stop moaning and I felt a knot forming in my stomach. He groped me boobs hard and kissed me while he pounded in me mercilessly. I then came as hard as I could and he released in me, he slowly stopped thrusting and kissed me.
" wanna go on another date with
y/n?" he said.

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