Make up artist-Jung hoseok

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You were sitting backstage hearing all of the highest pitched screams of army during soundcheck. You were the newly appointed makeup artist of big hit. And you had to do one of the toughest jobs, being a makeup artist for your idol and bias, Jung hoseok. He was very easygoing and happy. Even if he was tired most of the time, he always smiles. Never puts on a grumpy face. J finished setting all of the palettes, brushes, straighteners, curlers and got him an iced Americano as well. It is a much-needed drink for him because of all the stress he goes through.
I even prepared his outfit for him, it was a red suit with a nice white button-down with a colourful and a simple scarf.
He definitely would look amazing in all of those clothes. It's been about twenty minutes and they were back. Hobi was wearing a black hoodie with beige shorts and a cap. He was looking so cute and fluffy full of brightness
"Gabby, can you do my makeup after I wear my clothes?" he asked me with a smile that probably melted the whole of Antarctica. I nodded slightly blushing at his smile. I gave him his pants and he went ahead and changed into them and came back here. I took his white shirt and slowly put it on him and I did his buttons. I was a bit shy doing that because who wouldn't be if they saw THE JUNG HOSEOK half-naked, right?
He chuckled as if he noticed me blushing but I shrugged it off and made him sit down. I then brushed his hair properly and gave him a neat blow-dried look. His hair was looking just amazing and I was lost in the smoothness while touching it. I then took a foundation and started applying it on his skin. I hate the foundation, as if he isn't prettier that the whole world even without makeup.
"Gabby the foundation is too cold" he said and pouted ina very cute way. I looked at him with a smile and then I said. "I'll  warm it up for you" and I put bits of the foundation on my hands and rubbed it to make it warmer. I then set his face up with powder and I gave him some lip balm and I used nude tones on his eyes. I then gave him a thumbs up and now this was his turn to blush.
He left after finishing his drink and by the screams, I can say that the concert definitely went really well.
He came and sat down and I could say he was really tired. So I took out some latte and gave it to him, at least it will help his vocal chords. He looked at me with a thankful smile and he sipped it.
I slowly took off all of his accessories and helped him take his jacket off. I slowly started rubbing off his make up and used some moisturiser on his face. He changed his clothes and everyone was done for the day.
"Gabby, you worked really hard today." he said looking at me warmly.
"Did I really?" I asked.
" yup you did." he said.
"you too did great today" I said back.
"well, do you maybe wanna have dinner with me?" he asks slightly scratching his head to show me that he is nervous.
"is it like a date?" I asked.
"w-well yes, you can think of it that way. So yes?" he said again.
"yes." I said.
He hugged me lightly and all of the members finally whistled.
"he finally got the balls to ask you out gabby." jungkook said.

This is for @im_a_hoe_for_sope

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