Happy birthday kook

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I was sitting in the airport lounge, waiting for the boys to come here as soon as they could. We were supposed to plan a few things but jimin and jin were late, making me tap my feet impatiently, soon they walked in wearing their masks, walking briskly.

" finally you guys are here " I sighed as I walked towards them. Jimin smiled apologetically while jin moved the luggage properly. We sat down on the couch to discuss who was gonna do what.

" so I noticed kookie was still sleeping, and he doesn't know we're at the airport, I asked namjoon to tell him that me and jimin were going to meet my aunt, so we have about an hour before he comes back " jin said, holding his phone as he showed us the texts.

" okay so y/n you talk to the air hostess and give her the cake and stuff, I will buy gifts for him since we have stores here anyway, I can shop there and decorate the cabin a little " jimin smiled, putting an arm around jin's shoulder.

" but won't he see it early if we decorate the cabin? " I asked frowning.

" mmh, not really, we booked 4 separate cabins, namjoon and me will be sharing one, yoongi and hobi, jimin and tae, you and jungkook so it will be fine, we can decorate yoongi and hoseok's cabin. " jin reassured, taking the wallet out of his bag.

" oh, that would be fine, I'll meet you guys if I finish quickly, also what flavor of cake should I buy for him? " I asked as I walked towards the door, jimin smiled and answered chocolate quickly.

Soon I was done buying and setting up everything so I walked to the topmost level, where jin and jimin were, their hands were filled with bags from all luxury stores, making me laugh at the amount of clothes they got for him.

" why'd you guys buy him so many clothes? " I chuckled as I helped them hold the bags.
" because that kid is always wearing grey, black or white whenever he buys clothes. I decided to buy a pink ensemble for him. " Jin said, making jimin give him a dirty look which soon made all of us burst into laughter.

After decorating the cabin, and paying a ridiculous amount of money to do so, we got back to the waiting lounge and sat inside, pretending we just arrived, soon namjoon walked in with the rest of the boys looking tired and sleepy with their masks on.

" Oh wow you're early " Yoongi said sitting down on the couch, putting my bag aside, hoseok smiled at us before handing me a berry smoothie.
" Y/n you could've waited for me to wake up " Jungkook pouted, taking his mask off and putting his coat on the empty chair, I sipped on my smoothie and pretended to be apologetic.

I was excited but in order to not reveal a thing, me and jimin kept poking each other when we almost gave everything away, jin glared at us from time to time making sure we didn't say it out loud, soon we decided to board the plane and settle in peacefully.
Me and jungkook sat down on the bed after putting our carry on's aside, he smiled at me and kissed my forehead before he opened his phone to connect to the wi-fi on the plane, I just chuckled before doing the same. He was gonna be really surprised soon, in twenty minutes to be exact.

I didn't know what to do so I just snuggled into his arms while he played games on his phone, he smelled like vanilla, making me smile at his scent, I pecked his lips and moved closer, hoping not to fall asleep as I held his nice and warm body.

" you're so warm " I smiled and kissed his cheeks before getting up and out of bed, he pouted and put his phone aside, sighing.

" Where are you going baby? " he asked getting up, I took his hand and pulled him out of the cabin, smiling I walked towards hobi's cabin, he frowned but stayed silent, after opening the door, I pushed him in, hearing the sound of party poppers.
" woah what- " all of us screamed before he could finish, " happy birthday ggukie! " and his cheeks turned red, as we sang the song enthusiastically, yoongi moved close to him and played with his cheeks while jimin filmed us, jin held the cake in his hands as he moved forward and smiled like a proud brother.

" Happy birthday jeon jungkook " he hugged jungkook with a single hand, jungkook smiled happily, placing his chin on jin's shoulders, looking like the world's cutest baby.

" wah our baby is a year older now " tae laughed in his deep voice as we all settled down and sat on the bed, namjoon gave jungkook the knife and we all clapped as he cut the cake, his cheeks were red almost the whole time from the chaos all of us caused.

" here, have this before the cake you punk " yoongi pulled out a thermos and a spoon, opening it and smiling at jungkook.
" wow you even prepared seaweed soup? " jin asked looking a bit shocked, he didn't have the time to do it this morning and regretted it a little, but we never thought yoongi would be able to do so.

" Wah hyung, you woke up early for this? " Namjoon asked, yoongi waved them away, but we didn't push it further, he drank the soup and smiled happily.
" SO let me get something " Jimin laughed before bending down and pulling all of the bags they bought and placing them on the bed, jungkook laughed closing his eyes after seeing the pink ensemble from jin's bags and held them close.

" Are you happy? " I asked as I cut the cake into pieces so we could share, I took a bite, enjoying the rich chocolate.
" I am, but there's something I should say, I actually knew you guys were planning this " he said making us frown, but he continued.

" jimin hyung was smiling the whole time and poking y/n, how could I not realize? " he laughed, making me and jimin put our heads down in defeat, while the others stayed silent in awkwardness.

" yah! You should've stayed quiet for our efforts atleast you punk! " jin screamed, making jungkook put his tongue out, teasing jin, seeing them bicker, all of us laughed happily as our hearts warmed up.

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