Breaking up - taehyung

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Breaking up- Taehyung.

I was in my office sipping on some coffee while looking at my documents with the help of my secretary. I had planned on opening a subsidiary for Imperial star since it had been a while since we made huge news.
" Secretary Yang, How long will it take for you to get me information on kang mi hyun?" I asked him hoping to be done with this shit and go home quickly.
" President, we can get it in one hour, you have been working continuously for 15 hours now, please go home." he said standing up and taking my coffee glass.
" No no it's fine, I habe somewhere I need to be, tell lucy to arrange my flight for britain today" I said standing up while grabbing some ibuprofen for my body pains.
" President I-" I cut him off and looked at him.
" Just do as I say" I said and slowly sat down on the couch looking at my phone.
" Mam she already arranged everything. Let's go" secretary yang told me and we went to the jet slowly getting ready for take-off.
I called taehyung hoping he would pick up soon. He lifted the call and said hello in a deep voice.
"Taehyung are you busy?" I asked him since I knew he had rehearsals for the concert today.
"mmh, what is it?" he asked me emotionlessly, I don't know why I felt weird but I just shrugged it off.
" Oh, it's nothing, don't forget to have lunch okay, sleep and don't exhaust yourself baby" I said happily trying not to sound tired.
" Mmh okay, I will hang up now I have to go" he said.
" Oh okay I love yo-" he hung up, it made me sad but I just stayed quiet.
I didn't have an ounce of free time and I had to keep working furing the 11-hour flight.
" President, at this rate you'll get admitted to the hospital, please stop working" secretary yang asked me. I sighed and typed the last email and finally relaxed with a glass of wine and had a 30-minute nap.
We landed in london soon and it was very cold, I took my jacket from Bella and put it on while trying to walk through the hysterical crowd of reporters in the airport.
I was tired as hell as we travelled to the location of the stadium taehyung was performing in.
The staff greeted me while I gave them a bow happily and asked for them to take me to taehyung.
As I entered the room, I saw taehyung and jungkook getting ready in the dressing room laughing with their stylists. I smiled as I greeted all of them.
Taehyung just gave me a half-hearted smile while jungkook pushed him towards me.
" I missed you tae" I embraced him tightly while he just nodded, I took in his familiar scent that comforted me.
" I guess you guys are starting soon, I know you guys will kill it" I cheered for them while I noticed tae giving dirty looks to my secretary.
They just left and went on stage, I was sad but I sat between Bella and my secretary.
The guys started by singing one of my favourite songs, let me know, I smiled at them happily. I felt so cold but I just shrugged it off and kept concentrating on them.
"President your body is heating up, please have some medicine" Bella suggested. I nodded and took it from her and swallowed obediently.
The show was almost completed, 6 more songs left, now tae was doing his solo, but suddenly secretary yang handed me my phone.
" Mam it's really urgent, Nie lingxuan committed suicide and is in the hospital" he warned me, I took the phone and walked backstage to talk to Fang yu whole secretary yang followed.
I was done telling him, but I realized that the last song had started, I rushed out and sat back down taking the ARMY bomb from Bella and waving it.
The song was done and everyone left, I went backstage and saw the boys on the sofa, completely exhausted with oxygen masks on their faces, it hurt my heart so I went straight to taehyung and took a towel slowly wiping his sweat.
" Tae are you okay?" I asked him while slowly fanning him.
" I'm okay, I just wanna talk to you" he said trying to sot up properly.
" No it's okay tae, you can tell me after you rest up" I grabbed some water and slowly handed it to him, still on my knees.
" No y/n, you don't understand, I need to say it, look why are you pretending to care when you don't?" he snapped.
" What do you mean tae? What happened baby?" I was confused.
" Don't do that, you left when I was performing, that too with secretary yang" he said again.
" Tae man, you need to calm down, please dont say something you're gonna regret" jimin warned before walking out with the boys.
" Y/n, you missed the rehearsals, I asked you to come early so we could go on a date, when I was performing, you were busy? I wanted you to attend this tour, but you were working with that guy, you don't even love me anymore do you?" he asked making me surprised, I stood up with surprise.
" Tae do you hear yourself now?" I asked him.
" No, I know what I'm saying, you don't love me at all, You don't care about anything, I looked for you during singularity, but I saw two empty seats and do you know how I felt? This was the epilogue stage y/n, the epilogue"be emphasised.
" Tae I know I should've came earlier babe but let me explain-" he cut me off with a harsh tone.
" No, there's no need. Let's break up" he said.
"Tae a-are you sure?" I looked at him.
"Yes, please leave. We are done, I don't wanna stay with someone who doesn't love me" his words pierced my heart.
I nodded and wiped my tears and left the room with the water bottle in my hands.
"Bye guys" I hugged all the guys and left the venue with Bella and secretary yang with teary eyes.

*Jimin p.o.v.*
As soon as I saw her crying, I knew what happened. I slammed the door open to see taehyung sitting down expressionlessly.
" Taehyung you are such an idiot! Did you know she had to work for 15 hours and she was on the plane for 11 hours, still working JUST to watch your show, she was sick! I saw her taking 4 pills in the middle of my performance, Did you know why she left during your performance? NIE LINGXUAN COMITTED SUICIDE, SHE IS IN THE HOSPITAL, You broke y/n's heart, do you know? She never bows down or explains herself,and such a prideful woman, the leader of the industries became a little woman for you kneeling infront of you and taking care of you, you broke her man, both of you are my best friends and you did this" I left frustratedly after saying what I wanted to say.

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