Rejection- hoseok

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I was whipping up the last coffee for the customer, I was so excited that I almost caught the boiling espresso with my hands, after finishing my shift, I ran home excitedly without even bothering to talk with Caitlyn.

After getting home, I immediately went straight to the bathroom to take a hot shower and get rid of the ickiness from working. Pouring the rose shampoo into my hair, I sang my favourite song as I was in a good mood, after completing with the shower, I walked out of the steamy hot bathroom.

I got dressed in a black skirt with an icy blue shirt, making me look fresh and clean, I dried my hair and straightened it for a clean and cute look that would be perfect, applying a tiny bit of eyeliner with some peach lip gloss and some gold jewellery completed my look. I was happy today.

I got out the door and slowly walked to the flower store, I grabbed a small bouquet of white roses, knowing hoseok loved them.
From the pressure of Caitlyn, my mom and namjoon, I'd finally gathered up enough courage to confess to him.

I don't know why I was so happy at the thought of seeing him, my heart filled up with warmth knowing I'd see his bright smile and cute little dimples. I sniffed the roses as I walked to the park happily in my kitten heels, the sun was setting as an Orange glow covered the entire area.

Reaching the park, I saw the beautiful trees, creating slight shadows on the ground that smelled crisp, taking a whiff of the roses, I sat on the bench and looked at the small kids playing on the swings.

The boy was pushing the swing as the girl laughed happily, they were finding bliss in each other's company, just like me and hoseok did. Memories of him made way to my mind, sending a sense of euphoria in me.

Soon, I saw hoseok who was dressed in a brown t-shirt and some black jeans walk over with a smile, I his the bouquet behind me, welcoming him with a smile.

" Why are you dressed in so little, 17-year old?" his high pitched voice asked.

" Bruh you're 17 too, shut up okay?" I smiled as I tapped his shoulder playfully.

" No but seriously, aren't you cold at all?" he looked worried.

" No hobi, I'm alright." I gave a smile as I looked into his eyes, feeling a sence of familiarity within them.

" Why are you all dressed up today? Are you going somewhere?" he smiled as he put his phone in his pocket.

" Not really, Just felt like it." I beamed.

" Namjoon told me you have something important to say to me, what happened? Is everything alright?" he asked, putting his hands into his pocket.

" Well hoseok, I don't know how you will react to this and I don't know how to say it-" I trailed off.

" Y/n, I'm your best friend, it's okay you can tell me" he patted my head.

" It's because you're my best friend, that's why it's hard to say, okay you know what here goes nothing-" I took a deep breath.

" Hoseok, it may come as a shock to you, but I think that I am feeling something-" he looked taken aback.

" I don't know why, but I started seeing a different side of you, and I know I shouldn't have but, I just, somehow I couldn't see you as my best friend-" I continued without bothering to look at him.

" I have started seeing you as more than a friend, somehow I found myself liking you, that's what I wanted to say hobi, I like you, a lot" The smile that was on my mouth soon disappeared after seeing his face.

The fear of rejection that I had tried to fight so hard seemed to be running back to me.

" Hobi?" My voice was so fragile.

" Y/n I- I can't I'm sorry-" he looked sad, somehow guilty even.

I took a deep breath and nodded, a tear escaped out of my right eye.
I was frustrated. I felt so weak.

The excitement and happiness soon turned to heartbreak and pain with just three words, Y/n I can't.

" Y/n I'm sorry, It's just that, I never saw you more than a best friend and I-" he stopped himself from saying anything further.

I knew he wanted to say something, nothing felt like it would hurt me anymore so I turned towards him.

Taking his hand in mine, I smiled at him and nodded, he moved his hand towards my face, wiping my tears.

" It's okay, hobi tell me, I'm fine" I put on a smile using most of my efforts.

" I like someone y/n" he said, sighing and patting my head.

" C-can I know who that is?" I asked, maybe I should help him.

" It's Aileen." he sighed hard. Aileen, my best friend was the one he liked, I nodded and let myself fall back onto the bench, the white roses fell down from my hand.

" It's okay hoseok. Try your best, she will definetely accept a good guy like you" I smiled before patting his head and slowly walking towards the exit.

" Y/n will you be okay?" he shouted, standing up and holding the bouquet in his hand.

I smiled at him and left without a response, walking while wiping the silent tears that fell out of my eyes.

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