Meeting his parents- min yoongi

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I was walking to my locker and that's when I heard something. I felt someone running towards me and I knew exactly who it was, my boyfriend, min yoongi. Yoongi hugged me and gave me a kiss before revealing his amazing gummy smile at me. I blushed a bit but got hold of myself again. I asked him what was wrong and he gave me a sheepish grin.

" so I want to introduce you to my dad..." he said, slowly as if testing the waters.

" yoongi are you sure ?" I asked. Damn, he was really serious about this and it made me love him even more.

" Yes y/n, I love you so please?" he asked.

I nodded and hugged him tightly.
I went home to change my clothes. My mom was out and she wrote a note to me saying,
" I'm going out with my boyfriend, take care."

I left it on the kitchen counter and got myself a snack. I ate about 6 cookies and went to my room to go change. I changed into a basic but chic white dress and wore some silver hoop earrings to go with my silver purse and pumps.

I then sat on the sofa and watched tv hoping yoongi will be here soon. I watched it for an hour or so and yoongi knocked on the door.

I then opened it and gave him a kiss.
He looked at me and gave me a big thumbs-up sign.

Both of us walked out and got in his car and he drove to his house. I could feel myself getting nervous. What if I'm not good enough? What if his dad doesn't like me? What if he completely hates me? What will he think of me?

" yoongi, does your dad have a girlfriend? " I asked.

" yeah, he recently started dating. Like 4 months ago. " he said.

He noticed that I was getting scared by the minute so he laid an arm on my shoulder. He looked into my eyes and said

" y/n you are perfect. Don't worry okay?"

He then turned the music on and it took my mind off of everything.
We reached his home after ten more minutes and I got out of the car and took a deep breath.

I then put a smile on my face and yoongi held my hands.

Both of us walked in and when we went to the living room, I saw his dad making out with a woman. Talk about awkward. But when I looked closely, my heart stopped beating.

"m-mom? Is that you?" I said. Not believing what I saw.

She got up and,
It never felt so worse to be right.

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