Rescue - min yoongi

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I was sitting beside my co-worker Julie, talking to her about the new gun that our boss gave me as she looked at is excited. Her excitement was cut short when the phone rang, bringing her back to her work mode as she picked it up and put it on speaker.
" Hello? 911, how may I help you? " Julie's crisp voice asked.
" Uh yes, I'd like to order a pizza " a woman's voice sounded through the phone.
" mam this is 911-" Julie stopped midway as I put my hand on her shoulder.
" Where do you want it? " I asked and took out my pen, after noting the address down, I stood up.
" Y/n I don't think you should-" Julie stopped herself from saying further.
" What if she really needs help? Julie dont worry about me, I'll be okay." I said and got out of the office with my gun and some gloves for grip.

Getting inside the car, I started driving quickly to the spot, I remembered something and took my phone while driving, I dialled my friend jungkook.

" Kook I need you at XXXX with a pepperoni pizza in 10." I said as he picked up.
" Y/n you can't just-" I didnt let him finish and ended the call quickly. Driving there really quickly, I got out, I realized I was dressed in all black which might seem suspicious to whoever's holding the victims. I got out of the car regretting my clothing choices.
Tapping my feet impatiently on the floor, I waited for jungkook to reach here as if it were on cue, he ran over to me looking exhausted with a pizza box.

" Thank you kookie " I smiled at him as I pointed him to the diner they were trapped in.
" It was for a rescue? " he looked confused, but soon got into serious mode after I nodded.
Making sure to conceal the bulge that was forming because of the gun, I walked to the diner slowly hoping that no one was harmed. I knocked on the door even if it had the closed sign-on.
" WE'RE CLOSED, CAN'T YOU SEE THE SIGN? " a loud voice sounded from inside.
" Someone ordered a pizza here?" I said, soon the door opened, revealing a very buff guy through the little crack.
" Pizza? " he sounded hesitant but I slowly showed him the box and he loosened up.
Opening the door completely, he took the pizza box, I realised now was the time and pulled my gun out pointing it at him quickly. He walked back throwing the pizza down to the floor with his hands up in the air.
" BEHIND YOU! " a guy screamed making me wince, I turned around to see another guy point a gun at me as the other guy smirked and smacked me to the floor.
My face was against the cold and dirty hardwood floor, and to my side was the body of a woman, whose head was shot.
Thank god I asked jungkook to wait, I hadn't informed Julie about wanting backup and jungkook couldn't enter now if he did, all of us were as good as dead.
" Go to that corner and sit beside the guy, no funny business or I'll kill all three of you-" the other guy said.
I quietly moved towards the guy and got a closer look, he had minty hair and was holding a baby that looked no older than 8 months. He seemed jumpy but stayed quiet at my presence. I took a deep breath trying to figure out what to do, both the guys were in the corner talking about something.
" Hey, I'm about to do something, can you jump to that corner when I tell you to? " I whispered to him. He frowned and looked back at me.
" How do you think we can get out that easily? The lady died after trying-" he said looking at the dead body, he shook lightly as if he was almost scared.
" I work for the police, and I can't do anything without your co-operation. Can you please co-operate? " I asked him.
" Yes, tell me quickly because if they see us talk, we are dead," the guy said.
" Okay so basically you need to-" I was interrupted by the buff guy.

We stayed quiet, a wincing pain started to take over my head from the smack earlier but I tried to keep it together, they had to live. Seeing that they went back to talking I took my chance and moved closer to the mint haired guy.
" Look you need to go under that cabinet, I'm sure you can fit in there, or the table, I have an extra gun and a guy outside waiting to take them by surprise. wait, what's your name? " I asked him, he turned towards me, showing me his face completely, his eyes with a hint of fair, his skin pale but coated with sweat, he opened his cracked lips and uttered his name.
" Yoongi, I'm min yoongi." he said, I nodded and slowly shifted a little, trying to take the gun without them noticing.
I moved forward a little so that yoongi could move away from behind me, he understood as he slowly moved witjout making any noise.
I stood up and pointed my gun at them with my fingers on the trigger.
" JUNGKOOK NOW!" I screamed and the door burst open with the sounds of gunshots, I took my shot making the tall guy fall down with his hand clutching his stomach as jungkook tried to shoot the guy with the gun.
" Jungkook hurt him!" I said trying to take a shot of the guy who was hiding behind the table.
What I didn't notice was the guy who was shot got up and pointed a gun at yoongi.
I took another shot as I moved towards them to cover them, soon a bullet lodged itself into my hip, making me fall down quickly.
Jungkook took the chance to shoot both the guys a lot of times to make sure they couldn't move.
" YOONGI! GET OUT WITH THE BABY!" I screamed as I clutched the gun in my hands tightly and shot the guy again while he tried to reach the gun.

~ 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩 ~

I opened my eyes to hear a beep beside me, the smell of disinfectant filled my nose as I noticed the mask on my face. A guy, yoongi to be exact was sitting beside with a baby in his lap, who was playing with the string of yoongi's hoodie.
" Ohh he's safe-" I said sighing in relief.
" mhm, he seems to be almost 9 months old-" yoonhi got up, holding the baby close as I sat up.
" Seems? You're not his father?" I asked.
" Hah, no, I saved him before the guy could kill him, his mother put him in my arms." he said, a smile appeared on hid injured face.
" Oh-  he has no one? " I got a nod as a reply, I sighed and stroked the little guy's head.
"C-can I have him?" somehow I knew I had to take him with me.
" Only if you let me treat you to dinner, you're my lifesaver miss y/n-" I laughed at him, regretting it later due to the pain that came afterward.

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