Stuck with you-jungkook

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It was raining outside. I was really bored and I looked at the clock. I was waiting for jungkook to come home. He has been really busy with the new come back which was understandable but he had been sleeping in the company for a week now. I was pregnant so I was on maternity leave. I didn't feel too good about him not taking care of himself, but I couldn't say anything. I decided to call him and ask him if he ate.

The phone kept ringing and at the third missed call he picked it up and said:
" Hello, y/n?"
" hey jungkook, are you busy? "
" yeah no, sorry I was in a meeting but now in free. I'm gonna come home in an hour okay? "
" oh, sure, I'll cook some food for you, come soon," I said and hung up.

Thank God he is finally coming home after a week. I decided to cook him 4 side dishes, some soup and rice. Since he was eating at the company, he must be craving home food a lot.

After I was done, I changed the bedsheets and cleaned the bed up and ran a bath for him. He really needs to relax so I thought it would be a good idea to do so.

And at that moment, he came home. He looked extremely tired and worn out and he even had bags under his eyes. It also looked like he lost a lot of weight and he had been sick for a while.
He had a smile on his face and I decided to pull him into my embrace.
He inhaled my sent in place a soft kiss on my forehead before looking at me and smiling again I called him in and asked him to go take a shower which he did and came down to the living room to see all of the food that I made.

He smiled like a little kid before sitting down at the table .he took his bowl and chopsticks and started eating. He was really hungry so he gobbled everything hurriedly.

We finished in about ten minutes or so.

" Y/n I will clean everything, go to bed okay?" he said kissing my forehead.

I shook my head and took the empty plates from him. I then walked to the kitchen and started doing the dishes.

" jungkook, you're tired, go to sleep okay? " I said, looking at the sleepy bunny trying to keep his eyes open while trying to help me.

" No, I want to help you and cuddle with you later," he said while pouting.

I then sighed and nodded at him. He smiled at his victory and then took a towel and started drying the bowls that I washed.

I finished the dishes after twenty minutes. I then washed my hands with some hand wash and we both went to our shared bedroom to sleep.

I changed into a silk nightgown and laid down with kook on the bed. He smiled at me with big for eyes while smooching my forehead.

I chuckled and kissed him on the lips. He deepened the kiss and when we finally broke the kiss, he started to yawn.

" I love you kookie," I said, looking into his eyes.

" I love you to y/n, I just wanted to say that, you are my home. I don't need anything else. I just realized that no matter how many days we go without talking, without having a meal together, not cuddling because of my busy schedule, I still don't feel like anything is missing. It's because I'm assured that, you'll always be with me, take care of me and love me unconditionally, even if I don't give you the attention you deserve. " he said.
He continued,
" Because y/n, simple things are all that matter, in the end, they are what makes our love stronger." he said.

" that got me really emotional kook, in really glad to be yours. " I said, wiping my tears

" I love you, and our baby." he said kissing my belly.

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