Dark desires- yoonmin

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Dark desires- Yoonmin

I was in the dressing room, getting ready for my performance at MAMA, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at my makeup artist since she did a really good job, my manager reminded me that I only had ten minutes to change so I immediately changed into my costume and adjusted the mic and ran out quickly onto the stage to start my performance, I was gonna share a stage with yeonjun from txt since both of us released a song together, my bandmates clapped and cheered for me made me happy. The dance was very tough but kinda sexy since it involved me getting on top of yeonjun. I realized that my dress was almost transparent showing my very lacy bodysuit but now I can't do anything so I just performed that way and entered my dressing room, exhausted from the performance. My staff left me alone to go take care of my bandmates while I rested in the chair under the AC.
Suddenly, someone kicked the door open, I saw that it was yoongi and jimin, I stood up and smiled at them while I fanned myself and grabbed a water bottle to drink. I twisted the cap open but before I could drink it, I ended up pouring it on myself, making my clothes more transparent.

" Shit y/n why did you wear that?" Yoongi questioned me.
" I didnt want to, my stylist gave it to me" I said innocently.
" Well now we have a problem baby" Jimin growled while he slowly walked toward me and took my hand placing it on his crotch. I felt the rock hard member of his and felt surprised.
" Mine is pretty obvious don't you think?" Yoongi pointed to this member which was now trying to get out of his very tight pants. I smiled to myself after seeing them like this and gave a light chuckle.
" Do you want me to help?" I asked them innocently.
" Y/n stop playing hard to get," Jimin said impatiently.
" Fine, both of you, sit down on the couch," I said and locked the door  after putting a do not disturb sign on it.
They sat down and I saw sweat forming on their foreheads. I slowly walked towards them while I unzipped my dress, I wiggled myself out of it teasing them while smirking.
" Yoongi, can you help me with my bodysuit?" I said coyishly. He wordlessly unzipped it and slowly helped my upper body out of it. Jimin's hands were stroking my womanhood while yoongi slowly groped my boobs kissing my neck leaving marks all over it from time to time. Jimin kissed my lips slowly and passionately while my hands travelled to yoongi's crotch.
" Take your pants off yoongi" I groaned lightly while I got up and got out of my bodysuit leaving me in just a thong. Yoongi  unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down leaving him in black boxers, Jimin spanked my ass and kneaded it while he slowly got out of his shirt. I helped yoongi get out of his shirt and caressed his chest while slowly kneading his nipples, I kissed his lips passionately while I stroked him through his boxers, Jimin kissed my boobs and slowly started sucking on my nipples making me moan into yoongi's mouth.
I put my hand inside yoongi's boxers while jimin got naked, I could feel his big and thick member standing tall and hard like a rock, while his tip was coated with precum, I licked my lips and looked at him eagerly, I slowly licked his tip making him growl which felt so sexy, jimin slowly rubbed my clit with his fingers making me moan onto his dick. I groaned and took yoongi's length in my mouth and started bobbing my head slowly, His hands held my head and pushed it down making his cock hit the back of my throat, Jimin made me completely wet while he kept rubbing my clit, he surprised me by putting a finger inside and curling it while I moaned with yoongi's dick in my mouth giving a lot of vibration. His dick kept twitching inside my mouth So I kept bobbing my head quicker while yoongi got up and started fucking my mouth, jimin gave kitty licks to my pussy and spanked my ass making me whine, he positioned himself and started thrusting inside of me without any warning making me moan again and again while yoongi played with my boobs, and fucked my mouth, soon yoongi pulled out and lightly tapped my cheek signalling me to open up, while I did, I took his dick and stroked it as quick as I could make him cum all over my face, he groaned in satisfaction and that's when I felt a knot forming inside my stomach signalling that I was almost there.
" Jimin d-dont stop fucking me" I begged him while he began going at an inhumane pace, yoongi kissed my lips slowly and passionately while my hands grabbed onto his cock and stroked him, again and again, making him moan into my mouth.
" Jimin I'm gonna cum" I growled.
" Wait for me baby" He said pounding uncontrollably.
" Jimin I cant!" I screamed feeling myself close.
" Cum now," he said, my body magically responded and I came so hard that it dripped down to my thighs.
I groaned in pleasure while both of them smiled at each other.

" Oh baby girl, let's wait till we get home, then we'll see how you will perform when you won't be able to walk" Yoongi growled into my ears making me twice as wet and needy

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