When his parents insult you - namjoon

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When his parents say something bad

I was sitting on the couch watching my favourite drama, princess agents while munching on my bag of flaming hot Cheetos while sipping on my favourite energy drink. Namjoon came to me and kissed my forehead.

" Baby I have something to tell you." he whispered lightly.

" What is it babe?" I said while watching the drama and sipping my drink.

" My parents want to meet you." He said smiling at me.

I spat out my drink on myself and choked on it while namjoon patted my back.

" What? W-when are they coming?" I asked hoping he would say tomorrow or someday else.

" W-well they are coming for dinner tonight.." He hesitated.

" Did they just tell you now?" I asked him.

" Yeah, sorry I couldn't stop them." He said.

" Its okay namjoon, Ill go get ready okay?" I said and got up to go change into some nice clothes and get rid of my messy hair.

I dressed in a casual yet cute floral print dress and curled my hair and applied light makeup on my face. I was ready in time thankfully because as I went down, I heard the doorbell ring. Namjoon and I went to the door and opened it to reveal both his parents smiling but that disappeared soon after they saw me beside him.

" Hello, Mr and Mrs Kim, Please come in,"  I said while guiding them into the dining room.

They put a light smile on their faces, trying to be considerate but they couldn't, the moment they sat down, I went inside the kitchen and got the food items out and placed them on the table, thankfully I cooked a lot. I smiled at them and served them properly and poured water into their glasses.

" Mom, Dad, This is y/n, my girlfriend." Namjoon said while he rubbed my palm sensing my anxiety.

They gave a half-hearted smile and started eating the japchae and tonkatsu I made.

" So y/n, where are you from? " They asked me.

" I'm from gwacheon." They smiled and sighed.

After the meal, I got up and took their dishes into the kitchen and started washing them. I suddenly heard namjoon's mother speaking about me.

" Namjoon-ah, I am glad that you are doing well, and your girlfriend is good-"
I felt happy hearing those words but it was ruined by what she said next.

" She is not pretty enough for you, namjoon-ah, trust me, our good friend's daughter is so much better and pretty and she has a very good job too" She went on, while I slowly walked out, she didnt see me coming out, my heart broke at those words and all my insecurities started attacking me like wolves tearing me apart slowly. Tears started forming in my eyes and they fell slowly.

" Ma, I dont care about anyone except her, I love her mom." Namjoon held me in his arms tightly while I slowly cried in his arms. Bot his parents were taken aback and looked worried.

" Y/n, please dont cry. I'm sorry, it's just, I wanted to matchmake but I shouldn't have done that, Im sorry. As an elder, I should care for you guys' happiness but I didn't." She immediately apologized.

" Its okay Mrs Kim, you're our elder please dont apologize." I said to her and wiped my tears. I understood her feeling so I decided to forgive her. She just wanted her son to have the best girlfriend and didnt mean anything else.

They apologized and left immediately.

" Baby I'm sorry, my mom didnt really mean it, she was actually kinda worried about me, that's it, she feels that youre good okay?" Namjoon kissed my forehead and wiped my tears.

" I know but I still feel like I'm not good enough."

" I dont care, and you are the best for me baby, no one else will ever be, I love you y/n"

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