a walk in the park- Kim namjoon.

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I was getting ready, ready to leave work. Just then, my boss called me. he asked me to go into his cabin. This better be good, I thought and walked in. I have a shoot in two days. Damn.

"Hey jihun?" She asked.

"Yes mr.na? Is there anything important?" I asked impatiently, why does he always call me inside everyday?

"Well, its been a long day for you and its namjoon's birthday tomorrow isn't it?" He asked, making me surprised, wow! He remembered?

"U-uh yes.." I said, I hope he doesn't give me anymore work cause I wanted a day off tomorrow.

"Well, jihun I wanted to give you a week off, but understand that you need to come back soon cause you have a shoot, I postponed it." He said.

OMG! What the hell, he actually did this?

"T-thank you Mr.na, thank you so much!" I said and ran out of the office to get my ordered gift. I had spent so much time and effort on it,so I hope he actually likes it!

I make a call to jungkook to see if everything is going well. He told me everything is fine.

Now, I can finally do what I wanted to do!

I went to get my matching galaxy gown as my present for joon includes a galaxy suit. Shit! I gave a spoiler!

I calmly went to my apartment and changed, I also put really bold makeup on and I just covered my dress with an oversized coat. It is winter here anyway.

I then went to jimin's home and saw all of the boys hurriedly moving everywhere preparing everything for him.

They really do love him.

I then went to grab the cake and a cooler to put it in.
We all grabbed everything and I set up all the lights in the park. Jungkook got wooden chairs and set up the table with some cake and we even got gallons that glow in the dark!

Jin and hobi made a board that said "the best leader ever!" With joon's iconic meme face. Damn, these crack heads suit each other so well, don't they?

I checked my watch and it was 10:40pm. Time sure moves fast when you're busy, and then I did all the finishing touches.

I then went home to see namjoon sitting on the couch, exhausted. Its a good thing that I took home some fried chicken to distract him. I went up to him and gave him the takeout bag.

He smiled at me and took it with excitement and started eating it. Good. I went to my room to pretend that I changed into something comfy.

I wore my coat and called out to joon.
"Hey joon, wanna go for a walk?" I said, with puppy dog eyes which I knew he could never resist.
"Sure jihun give me two minutes I'll finish this" he said and kissed my forehead.

I texted yoongi about us leaving so they could prepare.
I'm so excited!

We left really soon and we just walked all the way to the park where we first met. Hiding from paparazzi. That was the best thing ever.

We reached the park,and I took namjoon's hand. We started walking slowly while he was humming slowly.
"I might go to the washroom." I said, he nodded slowly, so I just went in the direction of the washroom.
I took my coat off and went to namjoon.

"Joonie, baby, when we first met,it was magical to me,even if we were hiding from the paparazzi, I still think of it as my special memory. You've always made me happy, filled up my empty hear with love, so thank you baby. I love you so much. Happy birthday! But you have to promise something. Promise to marry me. I got you this promise ring." I said.

I saw tears sparkling in his eyes. He just nodded out of happiness and hugged me tightly. I saw jungkook creeping up and hugging joon. This is really true bliss.

I love you namjoon, you are mine, and I'm yours, always and forever baby, wish you a happy birthday darling!

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